Kanazawa, Satoshi and Tai Lopez. 2024. “Why the
Danes Are the Happiest People on Earth: The Selective
Outmigration by Personality Hypothesis
(SOPHy) of Group Character.” European Psychologist.
29: 75–94.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2024. “Why All
Evolutionary Psychological Theories Must Be Tested in WEIRD
Societies.” Evolutionary Psychological Science.
10: 33–39.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2024. “The General Factor of
Personality as a Female-Typical Trait.” Personality
and Individual Differences. 218: 112470.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2023. “Unilateral Single
Transverse Flexion Crease as a Potential Risk Factor for
COVID-19.” Infectious Diseases in Clinical
Practice. 31: e1260.
Kanazawa, Satoshi, Norman P. Li, and Jose C. Yong.
2022. “When Intelligence Hurts and Ignorance is
Bliss: Global Pandemic as an Evolutionarily Novel
Threat to Happiness.” Journal of Personality.
90: 971–987.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Adrien Larere. 2022.
“Infertility and Same-Sex Attraction in Women.”
International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
158: 528–543.
(Online supplemental figures
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2022. “Unrestricted Sociosexuality Decreases Women’s (But Not Men’s)
Homophobia.” Sexuality & Culture. 26:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2022. “Personality and
Early Susceptibility to COVID-19 in the United Kingdom.”
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology.
32: 786–795.
Kanazawa, Satoshi, Norman P. Li, and Jose C. Yong.
2022. “Sunshine on My Shoulders Makes Me
Happy... Especially If I’m Less Intelligent: How
Sunlight and Intelligence Affect Happiness in Modern
Society.” Cognition and Emotion. 36:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2022. “The Evolutionary
Novelty of Childcare By and With Strangers.”
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. 221:
Yong, Jose C., Norman P. Li, and Satoshi Kanazawa.
2021. “Not So Much Rational but Rationalizing:
Humans Evolved as Coherence-Seeking, Fiction-Making
Animals.” American Psychologist. 76:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2021. “Possible Evolutionary
Origins of Nationalism.” Political Behavior.
43: 1685–1705.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2021. “Economics and
Epicycles.” Perspectives on Psychological Science.
16: 517–532.
Woodley of Menie, Michael A., Satoshi Kanazawa, Jonathan
Pallesen, and Matthew A. Sarraf. 2020.
“Paternal Age is Negatively Associated with Religious
Behavior in a Post-60s But Not a Pre-60s US Birth Cohort:
Testing a Prediction from the Social Epistasis Amplification
Model.” Journal of Religion and Health.
59: 2733–2752.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2020. “What Do We Do
with the WEIRD Problem?” Evolutionary Behavioral
Sciences. 14: 342–346.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Yueh-Ting Lee. 2020.
“What Is the Next Big Question in Evolutionary Psychology?
An Introduction to the Special Issue.” Evolutionary
Behavioral Sciences. 14: 299–300.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2020. “Father Absence, Sociosexual Orientation, and Same–Sex Attraction in Women
and Men.” International Journal of Psychology.
55: 234–244.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2020. “Does Global Warming
Contribute to the Obesity Epidemic?” Environmental
Research. 182: 108962.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2019. “Cognitive
Function and Crossword Puzzles: Which Way Does the
Causal Direction Go? International Journal of
Geriatric Psychiatry. 34: 1734–1735.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2019. “An Association
Between Women’s Physical Attractiveness and the Length of
Their Reproductive Career in a Prospectively Longitudinal,
Nationally Representative Sample.” American Journal
of Human Biology. 31: e23256.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Nancy L. Segal. 2019.
“Do Monozygotic Twins Have Higher Genetic Quality Than Dizygotic Twins and Singletons?: Hints from
Attractiveness Ratings and Self-Reported Health.”
Evolutionary Biology. 46: 164–169.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Marie-Therese von Buttlar.
2019. “A Potential Role of the Widespread Use
of Microwave Ovens in the Obesity Epidemic.”
Clinical Psychological Science. 7: 340–348.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2018. “Darling I Don’t
Know Why I Go to Extremes: A Seemingly Culturally
Universal and Potentially Evolved Human Tendency to Hold
Extreme Preferences and Values.” Biodemography and
Social Biology. 64: 114–122.
Woodley of Menie, Michael A., Heitor B. F. Fernandes,
Satoshi Kanazawa, and Edward Dutton. 2018.
“Sinistrality is Associated with (Slightly) Lower General
Intelligence: A Data Synthesis and Consideration of
Secular Trend Data in Handedness.” Homo:
Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 69:
Salahodjaev, Raufhon and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2018.
“Why Do Societies with Higher Average Cognitive Ability Have
Lower Income Inequality? The Role of Redistributive
Policies.” Journal of Biosocial Science.
50: 347–364.
Kanazawa, Satoshi, Nancy L. Segal, and David de Meza.
2018. “Why Are There More Same-Sex Than Opposite-Sex Dizygotic Twins?” Human Reproduction.
33: 930–934.
(Online supplement
Kanazawa, Satoshi, Shihao Hu, and Adrien Larere.
2018. “Why Do Very Unattractive Workers Earn So
Much?” Economics and Human Biology. 29:
(Online supplement
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Mary C. Still. 2018.
“Is There Really a Beauty Premium or an Ugliness Penalty on
Earnings?” Journal of Business and Psychology.
33: 249–262.
(Research Square video abstract
Winner, 2018 Journal of Business and Psychology
Editor Commendation.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2017. “Higher Intelligence and
Later Maternal Age: Which Way Does the Causal Direction
Go?” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.
65: 1884–1887.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2017. “Possible Evolutionary
Origins of Human Female Sexual Fluidity.” Biological
Reviews. 92: 1251–1274.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Nancy L. Segal.
“Same-Sex Twins Are Taller and Heavier than Opposite-Sex
Twins (But Only if Breastfed): Possible Evidence for Sex
Bias in Human Breast Milk.” Journal of Experimental
Child Psychology. 156: 186–191.
Woodley of Menie, Michael A. and Satoshi Kanazawa.
2017. “Paternal Age Negatively Predicts Offspring
Physical Attractiveness in Two, Large, Nationally
Representative Datasets.” Personality and Individual
Differences. 106: 217–221.
Woodley of Menie, Michael A., Charlie L. Reeve, Satoshi
Kanazawa, Gerhard Meisenberg, Heitor B. F. Fernandes, Tomás
Cabeza de Baca. 2016. “Contemporary Phenotypic Selection
on Intelligence is (Mostly) Directional: An Analysis of
Three, Population Representative Samples.” Intelligence.
59: 109–114.
Norman P. and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2016. “Country
Roads, Take me Home... To My Friends: How Intelligence,
Population Density, and Friendship Affect Modern
Happiness.” British Journal of Psychology.
107: 675–697.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2015. “Breastfeeding is
Positively Associated with Child Intelligence Even Net of
Parental IQ.” Developmental Psychology.
51: 1683–1689.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2015. “Where Do Gods Come
From?” Psychology of Religion and Spirituality.
7: 306–313.
Lee, Yueh-Ting and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2015. "An
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Nature and
Evolution of Totemism, Shamanism, Religions, and
Spirituality." Psychology of Religion and
Spirituality. 7: 265–266.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Norman P. Li. 2015.
“Happiness in Modern Society: Why Intelligence and Ethnic
Composition Matter.” Journal of Research in Personality.
59: 111–120.
Ed, Satoshi Kanazawa, Eunkook M. Suh, and Shigehiro Oishi.
2015. “Why People Are in a Generally Good Mood.”
Personality and Social Psychology Review. 19:
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2014. “Intelligence and
Obesity: Which Way Does the Causal Direction Go?”
Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Obesity.
21: 339–344.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2014. “General Intelligence,
Disease Heritability, and Health: A Preliminary Test.”
Personality and Individual Differences. 71:
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2014. “Intelligence and
Childlessness.” Social Science Research.
48: 157–170.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2014. “Why Is Intelligence
Associated with Stability of Happiness?” British Journal
of Psychology. 105: 316–337.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Linus Fontaine. 2013.
“Intelligent People Defect More in a One-Shot Prisoner’s
Dilemma Game.” Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and
Economics. 6: 201–213.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2013. “Childhood Intelligence
and Adult Obesity.” Obesity. 21:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012.
“Intelligence and Homosexuality.” Journal of Biosocial
Science. 44: 595–623.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012. “Intelligence, Birth Order
and Family Size.” Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin. 1157–1164.
(Online supplemental tables
Online supplemental figures
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Kaja Perina. 2012. “Why More
Intelligent Individuals Like Classical Music.” Journal
of Behavioral Decision Making. 25: 264–275.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012. “The Evolution of General
Intelligence.” Personality and Individual Differences.
53: 90–93.
Reprinted in
and Sex Differences in Intelligence and Personality: A
Tribute to Richard Lynn at Eighty,
edited by Helmuth Nyborg. London: Ulster Institute for
Social Research, 2014. Pp. 55–68.
Lynn, Richard and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2011. “A
Longitudinal Study of Sex Differences in Intelligence at
Ages 7, 11, and 16 Years.” Personality and Individual
Differences. 51: 321–324.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2011. “Beautiful British Parents
Have More Daughters.” Reproductive Sciences.
18: 353–358.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2011. “Intelligence and Physical
Attractiveness.” Intelligence. 39:
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Josephine E. E. U. Hellberg.
2010. “Intelligence and Substance Use.” Review of General Psychology. 14: 382–396.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2010. “Evolutionary Psychology
and Intelligence Research.” American Psychologist.
65: 279–289.
Reprinted in
Annual Editions: Psychology 13/14,
edited by R. Eric Landrum. New York: McGraw-Hill,
2013. Pp. 185–197.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2010. “Why Liberals and
Atheists Are More Intelligent.” Social Psychology
Quarterly. 73: 33–57.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Joanne Savage.
“An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective on Social
Capital.” Journal of Economic Psychology.
30: 873–883.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Diane J. Reyniers. 2009. “The Role of Height in the
Sex Difference in Intelligence.” American Journal of
Psychology. 122: 527–536.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Kaja Perina. 2009.
“Why Night Owls Are More Intelligent.” Personality
and Individual Differences. 47: 685–690.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2009. “IQ and the Values of Nations.” Journal of Biosocial Science.
41: 537–556.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Joanne Savage. 2009. “Why Nobody Seems to Know What
Exactly Social Capital is.” Journal Social,
Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology. 3:
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Péter Apari. 2009. “Sociosexually
Unrestricted Parents Have More Sons: A Further Application of
the Generalized Trivers-Willard Hypothesis (gTWH).” Annals of Human Biology.
36: 320–330.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2009. “Evolutionary Psychological Foundations of Civil
Wars.” Journal of Politics. 71: 25–34.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2008. “IQ and the Health of States.” Biodemography and Social Biology. 54: 200–213.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2008. “Battered Woman Have More Sons: A Possible
Evolutionary Reason Why Some Battered Women Stay.” Journal of Evolutionary Psychology. 6 : 129–139.
Bokek-Cohen, Yaarit,
Yochanan Peres, and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2008.
“Rational Choice and Evolutionary Psychology as Explanations for
Mate Selectivity.” Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and
Cultural Psychology. 2: 42–55.
Lynn, Richard and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 2008. “How to Explain High Jewish
Achievement: The Role of Intelligence and Values.”
Personality and Individual Differences. 44:
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2008. “Temperature and Evolutionary Novelty as Forces
behind the Evolution of General Intelligence.” Intelligence. 36: 99–108.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2008. “Are Schizophrenics
More Religious? Do They Have More Daughters?” Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 31: 272–273.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2007. “Big and Tall Soldiers Are More Likely to Survive
Battle: A Possible Explanation for the “Returning Soldier
Effect” on the Secondary Sex Ratio.” Human
Reproduction. 22: 3002–3008.
Yamagishi, Toshio,
Shigeru Terai, Toko Kiyonari, Nobuhiro Mifune, and Satoshi
Kanazawa. 2007. “The Social Exchange Heuristic:
Managing Errors in Social Exchange.” Rationality and
Society. 19: 259–292.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2007. “The Evolutionary Psychological Imagination:
Why You Can’t Get a Date on a Saturday Night and Why Most
Suicide Bombers Are Muslim.” Journal of Social,
Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology. 1: 7–17.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2007. “Beautiful Parents Have More Daughters: A
Further Implication of the Generalized Trivers-Willard
Hypothesis (gTWH).” Journal of Theoretical Biology.
244: 133–140.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “IQ and the Wealth of States.”
Intelligence. 34: 593–600.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “Mind the Gap... in Intelligence: Reexamining the
Relationship between Inequality and Health.” British Journal of
Health Psychology. 11: 623–642.
Takahashi, Chisato,
Toshio Yamagishi, Shigehito Tanida, Toko Kiyonari, and Satoshi
Kanazawa. 2006. “Attractiveness and Cooperation in Social
Exchange.” Evolutionary Psychology. 4: 315–329.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “Why the Less Intelligent May Enjoy Television More than
the More Intelligent.” Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary
Psychology. 4: 27–36.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. ““First, Kill All the Economists....”: The Insufficiency
of Microeconomics and the Need for Evolutionary Psychology in
the Study of Management.” Managerial and Decision Economics. 27: 95–101.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “Where Do Cultures Come From?”
Cross-Cultural Research. 40: 152–176.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “Violent Men Have More Sons: Further Evidence for the
Generalized Trivers-Willard Hypothesis (gTWH).” Journal of
Theoretical Biology. 239: 450–459.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “No, It Ain't Gonna Be
Like That.” Evolutionary Psychology. 4:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2005. “An Empirical Test of a Possible Solution to “the Central
Theoretical Problem of Human Sociobiology.”” Journal of Cultural
and Evolutionary Psychology. 3: 255–266.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2005. “Who Lies on Surveys, and What Can We Do about it?”
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies. 30: 361–370.
Yamagishi, Toshio,
Satoshi Kanazawa, Rie Mashima, and Shigeru Terai. 2005. “Separating Trust from Cooperation in a Dynamic Relationship: Prisoner's Dilemma with Variable Dependence.”
Rationality and
Society. 17: 275–308.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Deanna L. Novak. 2005. “Human Sexual Dimorphism in Size May Be
Triggered by Environmental Cues.” Journal of Biosocial Science. 37: 657–665.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2005. “The Myth of Racial Discrimination in Pay in the United
States.” Managerial and Decision Economics. 26: 285–294.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2005. “Big and Tall Parents Have More Sons: Further
Generalizations of the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis.” Journal of
Theoretical Biology. 235: 583–590.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Griet Vandermassen. 2005. “Engineers Have More Sons, Nurses Have
More Daughters: An Evolutionary Psychological Extension of
Baron-Cohen's Extreme Male Brain Theory of Autism and Its
Empirical Implications.” Journal of Theoretical Biology. 233: 589–599.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2005. “Is “Discrimination” Necessary to Explain the Sex Gap in
Earnings?” Journal of Economic Psychology. 26: 269–287.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2004. “Social Sciences Are Branches of Biology.”
Review. 2: 371–390.
Savage, Joanne and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 2004. “Social Capital and the Human Psyche: Why is Social Life “Capital”?”
Sociological Theory. 22: 504–524.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Jody L. Kovar. 2004. “Why Beautiful People Are More
Intelligent.” Intelligence. 32: 227–243.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2004. “General Intelligence as a Domain-Specific Adaptation.”
Psychological Review. 111: 512–523.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2004. “The Savanna Principle.”
Managerial and Decision
Economics. 25: 41–54.
Yamagishi, Toshio,
Shigehito Tanida, Rie Mashima, Eri Shimoma, and Satoshi
Kanazawa. 2003. “You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover: Evidence
that Cheaters May Look Different from Cooperators.” Evolution
and Human Behavior. 24: 290–301.
Reprinted in
Cultural and Ecological Foundations of the Mind,
edited by Mark H. B. Radford, Susumu Ohnuma, and Toshio
Yamagishi. Sapporo: Hokkaido University
Press, 2007. Pp. 87–100.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “Why Productivity Fades with Age: The Crime-Genius
Connection.” Journal of Research in Personality. 37: 257–272.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “Can Evolutionary Psychology Explain Reproductive Behavior
in the Contemporary United States?” Sociological Quarterly. 44:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “Reading Shadows on
Plato's Cave Wall.” American Sociological Review.
68: 159–160.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “The Relativity of
Relative Satisfaction.” Evolution and Human
Behavior. 24: 71–73.
Savage, Joanne and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 2002. “Social Capital, Crime and Human
Nature.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 18: 188–211.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2002. “Bowling with Our Imaginary Friends.”
Evolution and Human
Behavior. 23: 167–171.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Rebecca L. Frerichs. 2001. “Why Single Men Might Abhor Foreign
Cultures.” Social Biology. 48: 321–328.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “Why Father Absence Might Precipitate Early Menarche: The
Role of Polygyny.” Evolution and Human Behavior. 22: 329–334.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “De Gustibus
Est Disputandum.” Social Forces. 79: 1131–1163.
Reprinted in
Theories of Social Order: A Reader, Second
Edition, edited by Michael Hechter and Christine Horne.
Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2009. Pp.
Reprinted as “De Gustibus Est Disputandum, Czyli o
Gustach Się Dyskutuje” in Nowe Perspektywy Teorii
Socjologicznej, edited by Aleksander Manterys and
Janusz Mucha. Kraków: Nomos, 2010. Pp. 239–272.
(Polish translation)
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “Where Do Social Structures Come From?”
Advances in Group
Processes. 18: 161–183.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “Science vs. History:
A Reply to MacDonald.” Social Forces. 80:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “A Bit of Logic Goes a
Long Way: A Reply to Sanderson.” Social
Forces. 80: 337–341.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2001. “Why We Love Our
Children.” American Journal of Sociology.
106: 1761–1776.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Mary C. Still. 2000. “Why Men Commit Crimes (and Why They
Desist).” Sociological Theory. 18: 434–447.
Reprinted in
Biosocial Theories of Crime, edited
by Kevin M. Beaver and Anthony Walsh. Farnham: Ashgate,
2011. Pp. 379–392.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2000. “Scientific Discoveries as Cultural Displays: A Further
Test of Miller's Courtship Model.” Evolution and Human Behavior. 21: 317–321.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2000. “A New Solution to the Collective Action Problem: The
Paradox of Voter Turnout.” American Sociological Review. 65: 433–442.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Mary C. Still. 2000. “Teaching May Be Hazardous to Your
Marriage.” Evolution and Human Behavior. 21: 185–190.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Mary C. Still. 2000. “Parental Investment as a Game of Chicken.”
Politics and the Life Sciences. 19: 17–26.
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
1999. “Using Laboratory Experiments to Test Theories of
Corporate Behavior.” Rationality and Society. 11: 443–461.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Mary C. Still. 1999. “Why Monogamy?” Social Forces. 78: 25–50.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Debra Friedman. 1999. “The State's Contribution to Social Order
in National Societies: Somalia as an Illustrative Case.”
of Political and Military Sociology. 27: 1–20.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1999. “Testing Macro Organizational Theories in Laboratory
Experiments.” Social Science Research. 28: 66–87.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1998. “A Possible Solution to the Paradox of Voter Turnout.”
Journal of Politics. 60: 974–995.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1998. “In Defense of Unrealistic Assumptions.”
Theory. 16: 193–204.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1998. “A Brief Note on a Further Refinement of the Condorcet
Jury Theorem for Heterogeneous Groups.” Mathematical Social
Sciences. 35: 69–73.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1997. “A Solidaristic Theory of Social Order.”
Advances in Group
Processes. 14: 81–111.
Hechter, Michael and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 1997. “Sociological Rational Choice Theory.”
Annual Review of Sociology. 23: 191–214.
Friedman, Debra, Michael Hechter and Satoshi Kanazawa.
1996. “Reply to Lehrer, Shechtman and Leasure.”
Demography. 33: 137–139.
Friedman, Debra,
Michael Hechter, and Satoshi Kanazawa. 1994. “A Theory of the
Value of Children.” Demography. 31: 375–401.
Hechter, Michael and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 1993. “Group Solidarity and Social Order in
Japan.” Journal of Theoretical Politics. 5: 455–493.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1992. “Outcome or Expectancy?: Antecedent of Spontaneous Causal
Attribution.” Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 18:
Furnham, Adrian and Satoshi Kanazawa. 2020. “The
Evolution of Personality.” Pp. 462–470 in The Cambridge Handbook of
Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Behavior, edited by
Lance Workman, Will Reader, and Jerome H. Barkow. New
York: Cambridge University Press.
Kanazawa, Satoshi and Norman P. Li. 2018. “The Savanna
Theory of Happiness.” Pp. 171–194 in The Oxford Handbook of
Evolution, Biology, and Society, edited by Rosemary L. Hopcroft. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2016. “Sex Difference in
Variance Traits.” In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary
Psychological Sciences, edited by Todd K. Shackelford and
Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford. New York:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2015. “Evolutionary Psychology and Its
Relevance to the Social Sciences.” Pp. 136–156 in
Handbook on Evolution and Society: Toward an Evolutionary
Social Science, edited by Jonathan H. Turner, Richard
Machalek, and Alexandra Maryanski. New York: Routledge.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012. “Battered Women, Happy Genes:
There Is No Such Thing as Altruism, Pathological or
Otherwise.” Pp. 311–317 in Pathological Altruism,
edited by Barbara Oakley, Ariel Knafo, Guruprasad Madhavan,
and David Sloan Wilson. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2011. “Evolutionary Psychology and
Individual Differences.” Pp. 353–376 in The Handbook of
Individual Differences, edited by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic,
Sophie von Stumm, and Adrian Furnham. Oxford:
Kanazawa, Satoshi.
2009. “Evolutionary Psychology and Crime.” Pp. 90–110 in
Biosocial Criminology: New Directions in Theory and Research,
edited by Anthony Walsh and Kevin M. Beaver. New York: Routledge.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2008. “Theft.” Pp. 160–175 in
Evolutionary Forensic Psychology,
edited by Joshua Duntley and Todd K. Shackelford. New York: Oxford University Press.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2007. “Mating Intelligence and General Intelligence as
Independent Constructs.” Pp. 283–309 in Mating Intelligence:
Sex, Relationships, and the Mind’s Reproductive System, edited
by Glenn Geher and Geoffrey Miller. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2007. “The
g-Culture Coevolution.” Pp. 313–318 in The Evolution
of Mind: Fundamental Questions and Controversies, edited by
Steven W. Gangestad and Jeffry A. Simpson. New York: Guilford
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “A General Evolutionary Psychological Theory of Male
Criminality and Related Male-Typical Behavior.” Pp. 37–60 in
Biosocial Criminology: Challenging Environmentalism's Supremacy,
edited by Anthony Walsh and Lee Ellis. New York: Nova Science
Kanazawa, Satoshi and
Mary C. Still. 2001. “The Emergence of Marriage Norms: An
Evolutionary Psychological Perspective.” Pp. 274–304 in Social
Norms, edited by Michael Hechter and Karl-Dieter Opp. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Friedman, Debra,
Michael Hechter, and Satoshi Kanazawa. 1999. “Theories of the
Value of Children: A New Approach.” Pp. 19–47 in The Dynamics of
Values in Fertility Change, edited by Richard Leete. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hechter, Michael and
Satoshi Kanazawa. 1993. “The Production of Social Order with
Special Reference to Contemporary Japan.” Pp. 187–207 in
Theory and Social Policy: Essays in Honor of James S. Coleman,
edited by Aage B. Sørensen and Seymour Spilerman. Westport: Praeger.
Hechter, Michael,
Debra Friedman, and Satoshi Kanazawa. 1992. “The Attainment of
Global Order in Heterogeneous Societies.” Pp. 79–97 in Rational
Choice Theory: Advocacy and Critique, edited by James S. Coleman
and Thomas J. Fararo. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.
Reprinted in
of Social Order: A Reader, edited by Michael Hechter and
Christine Horne. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003. Pp.
Reprinted in
of Social Order: A Reader, Second Edition, edited by Michael Hechter and Christine Horne. Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 2009. Pp. 282-295.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2019. “Review of The
Emergence and Evolution of Religion: By Means of
Natural Selection, by Jonathan H. Turner, Alexandra
Maryanski, Anders Klostergaard Petersen, and Armin W. Geertz.”
Contemporary Sociology. 48: 223–224.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2012. “Review of
Intelligence: A Unifying Explanatory Construct for the
Social Sciences, by Richard Lynn and Tatu Vanhanen.”
Personality and Individual Differences. 54:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2010. “Applied Evolutionary Psychology
at its Best. Review of I See Rude People: One Woman’s
Battle to Beat Some Manners into Impolite Society, by
Amy Alkon.” Evolutionary Psychology. 8: 1–4.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2006. “Can the Social Scientists be
Saved? Should They? Review of Missing the Revolution:
Darwinism for Social Scientists, edited by Jerome H.
Barkow.” Evolutionary Psychology. 4: 102–106.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2003. “Review of
Rational Ritual:
Culture, Coordination, and Common Knowledge, by Michael
Suk-Young Chwe.” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.
9: 137–138.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2002. “Review of
Biology and Crime,
by David C. Rowe.” Human Ethology Bulletin. 17:
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2002. “No Triumph of Sociobiology
Without Evolutionary Psychology: Review of The Triumph
of Sociobiology, by John Alcock.” Heredity.
87: 709.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 2000. “Review of
Evolution and Human
Behavior: Darwinian Perspectives on Human Nature, by
John Cartwright.” Politics and the Life Sciences.
19: 287–288.
Kanazawa, Satoshi. 1995. “Review of
The Problem of
Order: What Unites and Divides Society, by Dennis H.
Wrong.” American Journal of Sociology. 100:
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