The road to hell is paved with good intentions,
rational expectations and efficient markets
Valentino Larcinese
Professor of Public Policy
Department of Government
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom
Tel +44 (0) 20 7955 7037
The road to hell is paved with good intentions,
rational expectations and efficient markets
● PhD in economics (LSE)
● Doctorate in economics (Milan)
● MSc in economics (York)
● Laurea in economic and social disciplines (Bocconi)
Working papers
- The Political Impact of the Internet in US Presidential Elections, STICERD Discussion Paper EOPP 63. (with Luke Miner),
Publications in refereed journals
- Crime and Punishment the British Way: Accountability Channels Following the MPs Expenses Scandal (with Indraneel Sircar), European Journal of Political Economy, 47, 75-99 [2017]
- The Perverse Consequences of Policy Restrictions in the Presence of Asymmetric Information (with Rafael Hortala-Vallve), Journal of the European Political Science Association (Political Science Research and Methods), vol. 5(3), 411-425 [2017]
- A Better Life for All? Democratization and Electrification in Post-Apartheid South Africa (with Verena Kroth and Joachim Wehner), Journal of Politics, 78(3), 774-791 [2016]
- Blissful ignorance? Evidence from a natural experiment on the effect of individual feedback on performance (with Oriana Bandiera & Imran Rasul), Labour Economics. 34, 13-25 [2015]
- Why Do Small States Receive More Federal Money? US Senate Representation and the Allocation of Federal Budget (with Leo Rizzo and Cecilia Testa), Economics and Politics, 25 (3), 257-282 [2013]
- Changing Needs, Sticky Budget: Evidence from the Geographic Distribution of US Federal Grants (with Leo Rizzo and Cecilia Testa), National Tax Journal,
66 (2), 311–342 [2013]- Testing Models of Distributive Politics Using Exit Polls to Measure Voter Preferences and Partisanship (with Jim Snyder and Cecilia Testa), British Journal of Political Science, 43 (4), 845-875. [2013]
- Partisan Bias in Economic News: Evidence on the Agenda Setting Behavior of US Newspapers (with Jim Snyder and Riccardo Puglisi), Journal of Public Economics, 95 (9-10), 1178-1189 [2011]
- Working or Shirking? Expenses and Attendance in the UK Parliament, (with Timothy Besley), Public Choice, 147, 291-317 [2011]
- Heterogeneous class size effects. New evidence from a panel of university students (with Oriana Bandiera & Imran Rasul), Economic Journal, 549, 1365-1398 [2010]
- Information Acquisition, Ideology and Turnout: Theory and Evidence from Britain, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 21(2), 237-276. [2009]
- A Discrepancy Index for the Study of Participation with an Application to the Case of Higher Education in Italy, Social Indicators Research, 88(3), 483-496. [2008]
- The Instrumental Voter Goes to the News-Agent: Information Acquisition, Marginality and the Media, Journal of Theoretical Politics, 19(3), 249-276 [2007]
- Does Political Knowledge Increase Turnout? Evidence from the 1997 British General Election, Public Choice, 131, 387-411. [2007]
- Voting over Redistribution and the Size of the Welfare State: the Role of Turnout , Political Studies, 55, 568-585. [2007]
- Allocating the US Federal Budget to the States: the Impact of the President (with Leo Rizzo & Cecilia Testa), Journal of Politics, 68 (2), 447-456. [2006] Click here for statistical appendix
- Personal and Household Income Taxation in a Progressive Tax System: Evidence from Italy, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-9. [2005]
Other academic publications
- Singing from the same broadsheet? Mass media bias and the MPs’ expenses scandal (with Indraneel Sircar), in The Political Costs of the 2009 MPs’ Expenses Scandal, edited by Jennifer Hudson, pp 153-174 [2014].
- The Political Economy of Public Spending: Evidence from the US States (with James Snyder and Cecilia Testa), in Fabio Padovano & Alessandro Petretto (eds.) Public Choice and Political Economy, pp. 143-163, Franco Angeli [2010]
- Review of "Communication Revolutions: Critical Junctures and the Future of Media" by R.W. McChesney, Journal of Economics, 95(3), 271-276. [2008]
- The Channeled Italian Voters, in Fabio Padovano & Roberto Ricciuti (eds.) Institutional Reforms in Italy: a Public Choice Perspective, pp 221-247, Springer. [2008]
link to my webpage at the Department of Government
"Noi non possiamo essere imparziali. Possiamo essere soltanto intellettualmente onesti:
cioe' renderci conto delle nostre passioni, tenerci in guardia contro di esse e mettere in guardia i nostri
lettori contro i pericoli della nostra parzialita'. L'imparzialita' e' un
sogno, la probita' e' un dovere''
[Gaetano Salvemini]