Mirko DracaContact Details: Research Interests:
Department of Economics Labor economics
email: m.draca "at" warwick.ac.uk
Welcome to my web page. I'm a Lecturer ('Assistant Professor') at Warwick University and Research Associate at the Centre for Economic Performance, London School of Economics. For 2012-2013 I am also a Network Fellow with the Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard. My Phd studies were at the UCL Department of Economics. Currently, I am working on two main topics. Firstly, I am looking at the impact of defense spending on innovation in the US using a long-run panel of listed firms. The first paper from this project ("Reagan's Innovation Dividend?") has now been posted. Secondly, I am working on the 'political labor market', that is, the analysis of the labor market for lobbyists and political staffers. A first paper on this topic is available below ("Revolving Door Lobbyists"). Recent Research
"Reagan's Innovation Dividend? Technological Impacts of the 1980s US Defense
"Revolving Door Lobbyists" (with Jordi Blanes i Vidal & Christian Fons-Rosen).
"Panic on the Streets of London" (with
Steve Machin & Robert Witt).
"Minimum Wages and Firm Profitability"
(with Steve Machin & John Van Reenen).
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