Professor in Political Science and Public Policy

Government Department

London School of Economics and Political Science



Contact details


Government Department

Houghton Street

London, WC2A 2AE

United Kingdom




Research Interests


Political Economy. Formal Political Science. Collective Decision-Making. Voting and Elections.

Experimental and Behavioural social sciences. Coalition Formation. Executive organisation. Trust



I’m the organiser of the Behavioural Political Economy Workshop:  2019, 2020, 2023, 2024


I’m the convenor of the MSc Political Science (PSPE)



Teaching (24/25)


GV4C8    Game Theory for Political Science

GV4H6    Behavioural Political Economy

GV4B3    MPA Capstone Project

GV344    Philosophy, Politics and Economics: Research Project



Working Papers


The Effect of Advisors’ Incentives on Clients' Investments

Revise and Resubmit Journal of Finance
(joint with Diego Battiston, Jordi Blanes i Vidal and Dong Lou)


Affective Polarisation in the United Kingdom: Two Wallets Drops, an Election and a Referendum
(joint with Paul Dolan, Laura Kudrna and  Kate Laffan)


Ultimatum game with costly information acquisition 
(joint with Marcus Roel)


Teams of rivals: learning about a cabinet and its shadow

(joint with Torun Dewan)



Published papers


Pre-electoral coalitions and the distribution of political power

Public Choice, Vol 198, 2024 (joint with Jaakko Meriläinen and Janne Tukiainen)


The determinants of trust: findings from large, representative samples in six OECD countries

Economica, Vol 91, Issue 364, 2024
(joint with R Kovacs, M Dunaiski, M Galizzi, G Grimalda, F Murtin and L Putterman)

Trusting Trust: An external validity analysis

Games, 12 (3), 2021 (joint with Sanchayan Banerjee and Matteo M. Galizzi)


Conformity and Individuals’ Response to Information About Aggregate Turnout

Political Behavior, 2020 (joint with Andre Blais)


Electoral competition, control and learning (online Appendix)

British Journal of Political Science, Vol 49, Issue 3, 2019 (joint with Torun Dewan)


Trust and Its Determinants: Evidence from the Trustlab Experiment

OECD Statistics Working Papers 2018, (joint with F Murtin, L Fleischer, V Siegerink, A Aassve Y Algan , R Boarini, S Gonzalez, Z Lonti, G Grimalda, U Schmidt, S Kim, D Lee, L Putterman and C Smith)


The effects of district magnitude on voting behaviour

The Journal of Politics, Vol 79, Number 1, 2017 (joint with Simon Hix and Guillem Riambau)


The perverse consequences of policy restrictions in the presence of asymmetric information (online Appendix)

Political Science Research and Methods (JEPSA), Vol 5, Issue 3, 2017 (joint with Valentino Larcinese)


Collusion, blackmail and whistle-blowing

Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol 11, No. 3, 2016 (joint with Leonardo Felli)


Are people more or less inclined to vote when aggregate turnout is high?

In Voting Experiments (Springer), 2016 (joint with Andre Blais)


Primaries: the unifying force (online Appendix)

Public Choice, Volume 163, Issue 3, 2015 (joint with Hannes Mueller)


The role of information in different bargaining protocols

Experimental Economics, Vol 16,  2013 (joint with Aniol Llorente-Saguer and Rosemarie Nagel)


Qualitative voting

Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol 24, no. 4, 2012


Pure strategy nash equilibria in non-zero sum colonel blotto games

International Journal of Game Theory, Vol 41, Issue 2, 2012 (joint with Aniol Llorente-Saguer)


The three A's of government formation: appointment, allocation, and assignment

American Journal of Political Science, Vol 55, Issue 3, 2011 (joint with Torun Dewan)


Generous legislators? A description of vote trading agreements

Quarterly Journal of Political Science, Vol 6, Issue 2, 2011


Voter turnout and electoral competition in a multidimensional policy space

European Journal of Political Economy, Vol 27, Issue 2, 2011 (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)


Voter turnout in a multidimensional policy space

Economics of Governance, Vol 12, Number 1, 2011 (joint with Berta Esteve-Volart)


A simple mechanism for resolving conflict

Games and Economic Behaviour, Vol 70, Issue 2, 2010 (joint with Aniol Llorente-Saguer)


Inefficiencies on linking decisions

Social Choice and Welfare, Vol 34, Number 3, 2010


Internalising team-production externalities through delegation: the British passenger rail sector as an example

Economica, Vol 77, Issue 308, 2010 (joint with Miguel Sanchez)


A simple model of bank disclosure and subordinated debt

Cuadernos de Economia, Vol 28, No. 77-78, 2005