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Positions: - Associate Professor in
European Politics and Policy,
Department of
Government & European
Institute, LSE
- Director, LSE Migration
Studies Unit (MSU)
- Global Associate Professor, New York
University (NYU-London)
Research Interests: Public Policy, Comparative
Politics, International Institutions, European Union, Multi-level Governance,
Asylum & Immigration Policy.
Current Research
IMPALA (International
Migration Policy And Law Analysis)
(2) International Burden-Sharing
(3) EU Justice &
Home Affairs
(4) Global Public Goods
(1) IMPALA (International Migration
Policy And Law Analysis) (IMPALA website)
Governments adopt a wide variety of
approaches to regulating immigration. They give different meanings to basic
concepts such as citizenship and residency, and place different importance
on occupational skills, family reunification, and cultural and ethnic
diversity when selecting immigrants. But it is impossible at the moment to
say much more than that about alternative approaches to immigration policy.
There are no comprehensive, cross-nationally comparable data on immigration
policies and no systematic method for classifying, measuring, and comparing
immigration policies across countries and over time.
The International Migration Policy
and Law Analysis (IMPALA) Database will address this problem directly by
providing a new set of data on immigration policies that should be of
immense value to researchers in a wide variety of academic disciplines. The
IMPALA Database is a collaborative project, bringing together social
science and legal researchers from Harvard University, the University
of Luxembourg, the University of Amsterdam, the London School of Economics, and the University of Sydney.
The IMPALA research team is currently gathering comparable data on
immigration law and policy in over 25 countries of immigration between 1960
and 2010. We examine all major categories of immigration law and policy,
covering the acquisition of citizenship, economic migration, family
reunification, permanent immigration, temporary migration, asylum and
refugee protection, and policies relating to undocumented migration and
border control. We will also examine policies relating to the integration
of immigrants into the host country, including government programs
providing medical insurance, cash benefits, housing assistance, employment
assistance, job skill and language training, and civics courses.
By creating a comprehensive, cross-nationally comparable database on
immigration laws and policies, the project will make it possible for
scholars to evaluate the effects of different approaches to managing
immigration and thereby make critical contributions to ongoing debates and
policy decisions. We anticipate that it will be useful to economists
interested in explaining immigration flows and their economic effects, to
sociologists examining the social and cultural consequences of immigration,
to political scientists interested in explaining immigration policies and
the political impact of immigration, and to legal scholars studying the
rights granted to immigrants and refugees in different countries.
(2) International
Burden-Sharing: Redistributive Politics Beyond the State
The literature on international burden-sharing, i.e. the question of how
to share the costs for the provision of collective goods or common
initiatives between states, has long been prominent among researchers
interested in international organisations, in particular in the area of
collective security. More recently one has been able to observe a
widening of the burden-sharing debate, with more questions being asked
about states' regional and global responsibilities in areas such as
peace-keeping, climate change and increasingly also forced migration.
In the latter area, countries have been faced with significant and very
unequal responsibilities as a result of highly fluctuating inflows of
asylum seekers into their territories. National (unilateral) policy
responses in this area have often failed to achieve their objectives while
producing significant externalities for other states. Consequently,
policy makers have increasingly advocated multi-lateral approaches
to deal with the policy challenges posed by asylum seekers and
refugees. Against this background, I am in the process of completing
a research monograph which will analyse the rationale, mechanisms and
effectiveness of international burden/responsibility-sharing in the case of
international refugee protection. Building on theoretical insights
from the literature on international public goods, the analysis focuses on
four distinct approaches: (1) regulatory (policy sharing), (2) distributive
(resource-sharing), (3) re-distributive (people-sharing) and (4)
market-based (build on the idea of countries' having comparative advantages
in contributing to international public goods). By comparing and
contrasting these four approaches, the project aims to explore the driving
forces and obstacles to international burden-sharing initiative, assessing
their past record and future potential in achieving equitable and
sustainable systems of international burden-sharing.
((3) EU Justice & Home
Affairs: Between 'Hard' and 'Soft' Europeanisation
In the early 1990s, the relative stability that had characterised
Europe's post-war asylum regime gave way to radical and widespread
restrictive policy change. In order to explain how such substantive change
was possible, in a policy area in which policy makers have traditionally
faced strong constraints from both domestic and international sources, this
project analyses the role played by European integration. On the one
hand it seeks to explain how European integration (i.e. the
development of institutions at the EU level) can selectively legitimate
actors, ideas and discourses, and in doing so facilitate domestic policy
change. On the other hand, it seeks to explain why states have delegated
authority over policy-making in this area to the EU level in the first
(4) The Comparative Analysis of
Global Public Goods
I seek to apply the insights gained from my ongoing research on
burden-sharing in the area of refugee protection to the regulation of
other international public goods in areas such as environmental protection,
collective security and disease control.