Standing Committee of the European Conference on
Information Systems
Agenda for meeting to be held University of Gdansk, Sopot, Armii Krajowej 119/121
Faculty of Management, room 119 on Wednesday June 5th at 2pm
(For map of road for the University, please go here)
- Apologies
- Minutes of the last meeting (No meeting was held at ICIS in New Orleans)
- Matters arising
- Advertising conferences in IS journals
- ECIS 2002
- Review of experiences
- Doctoral consortium
- ECIS 2001
- Final review
- Donation to standing committee
- Forthcoming conferences
- Proposal for new conferences
- Towards a closer relationship between ECIS and AIS.
- Possible further sponsorship for Doctoral Consortium
- Journal special issues - fast tracking and choice of journals
- Any other business
- Date of next meeting
Dr. Edgar A. Whitley