Standing Committee of the European Conference on Information Systems

1 Apologies

In attendance: Edgar Whitley, Philip Ein-Dor, Eph Maclean, Jan Ljungberg, Janice Sipior, Joze Gricar, Paolo Canonico, Vanessa Gemmo, Chiara Frigerio, Federico Rajola, Andrea Carignani, George Doukidis, Claudio Ciborra

Apologies: Stan Wrycza, Karl Kautz

2 Minutes of the last meeting

2.1 Resolved

That these be accepted

3 Matters arising

3.1 Noted

That this was a substantive item in the agenda

3.2 Reported

That Edgar would be circulating the details to the organisers of future conference

3.3 Reported

That an issue had arisen about whether the proceedings were "available to the public"

That extra copies of the proceedings had been sold

That a formal letter confirming that the papers had been accepted was always helpful

4 ECIS 2002: Review of experiences

4.1 Received

An e-mailed report from Stan Wrycza reporting:

"It seems that I can't arrive to Barcelona for ECIS SC meeting due to strong involvement in current University activities. I can present the ECIS2002 report during meeting in Naples. The ECIS2002 budget has been balanced, all costs covered. The other specific data connected with ECIS2002 are presented in the Foreword to ECIS2002 Proceedings."

5 Forthcoming conferences

ECIS 2003

5.1 Reported

That the logitistics were on schedule

That the Gala dinner would be held at the Palazo Real--an open space with shelters for rain

That Claudio Ciborra was organising the keynote speakers: Ulrich Beck, Bruno Latour and Tony Giddens were unable to attend. That S Zuboff and Manuel Castells were being approached, plus an industry / banking speaker such as the Italian Minister for IT (previously IBM).

That Eric Monteiro would lead the doctoral consortium

That nominations would be open until February for the doctoral consortium.

That almost 500 papers had been received including 7 panels.

That, as ever, the most papers were from Australia and the UK, with new arrivals including Afghanistan, Iran and China

That there may be some knock-on effects of the extension of the submission dates

That the inspection visit would take place 21-23 February 2003

That the organisers were working on a 35% acceptance rate for the conference

That registration was now open

That there was good advertising for the related events in the European tour--the Bled conference and the IFIP 8.2/9.4 conference in Athens.

5.2 Noted

That the doctoral consortium talked of "interpretive" research and that a broader ranging faculty might be required

5.3 Resolved

That Edgar would contact the DC organisers about these issues

ECIS 2004

5.4 Reported

There was no specific report from this conference

6 Proposal for new conference

6.1 Received

A formal proposal from Sweden, linking the Gothenberg Business School, the IT University and the Viktoria Institute.

6.2 Reported

That the university would host the conference

6.3 Noted

That the student fees were perhaps a bit high in this proposal

6.4 Resolved

After discussion, that Sweden be invited to host ECIS 2006

6.5 Received

Via colleagues from Italy, a draft proposal from Germany to host ECIS 2005 in Regensburg

6.6 Noted

That the proposers had a strong background in organising other conferences and were known members of the broader information systems community but that they had not been closely involved with previous ECIS conferences

6.7 Resolved

That the proposal be given a conditional backing at this time, and that the proposers be invited to Naples in February to become involved with the ECIS process and learn quickly about the process involved.

7 ECIS and AIS links

7.1 Noted

The helpful document outlining the issues that might need to be addressed

That AIS was able to offer a variety of services including general and indemnity insurance, commercial support for organising and hosting conferences

That there were insufficient members of the standing committee present to take the debate further at this time

That AIS hoped that stronger links would come about "sooner rather than later"

8 Any other business

9 Date of next meeting

Dr. Edgar A. Whitley
