Standing Committee of the European Conference on Information Systems
Minutes of the meeting held at Università di Napoli Federico II, Complesso Universitario Monte S.Angelo, Via Cinthia, Napoli (The conference venue) Room E5
Wednesday June 18th 5.30-6.50
1 Apologies
Edgar Whitley apologised for the delay in starting the meeting.
In attendance: Andrea Carignani, Bob Galliers, Chiara Frigerio, Claudio Ciborra, Dieter Bartmann, Edgar Whitley, Eph Maclean, Federico Rajola, Hannu Salmela, Jan Ljungberg, Marcello Martinez, Marco de Marco, Michael Rill, Nancy Pouloudi, Paolo Canonico, Ricardo Mercurio, Vanessa Gemmo
Apologies: Stan Wrycza, Karl Kautz, Tapio Reponen
2 Minutes of the last meetings (attached)
2.1 Resolved
That these be accepted
3 Matters arising
There were none
4 ECIS 2003: Review of experiences
4.1 Noted
That 481 papers had been submitted from 42 countries
That 350 participants were expected, with 77% from Europe, 36% from English speaking countries, 21% from Scandinavia and 20% from the rest of Europe. Approximately 1/3 registered before March 31st, 1/3 after and 1/3 were PhD students.
That the proceedings were being made available on CD ROM
That a request of around 30 people for paper copies at cost would have been viable
5 Forthcoming conferences
5.1 Noted
That track chairs and conference chairs had all been appointed
That they were meeting tomorrow to finalise the review process
That, at this time, they had not obtained as many sponsors as Italy
That the venue would be the Turku University of Business Administration, slightly smaller than the Naples venue
5.2 Noted
That the dates for the conference would be 26-28 May
That they were hoping for more business attendees
That the title would involve notions of a rapidly changing economy
That themes had been agreed and the next stage was to work out the tracks
5.3 Noted
That things were progressing well
6 Any other business
6.1 Links with AIS
That AIS was providing continued support for the Doctoral Consortium and could provide registration support and an electronic reviewing system
That they had developed a formal budget structure that had proved to be very helpful for interacting with commercial sponsors and that it was hoped that ECIS could also use this financial template in its financial reporting (see sample spreadsheet here)
7 Date of next meeting
That, if required, the next meeting be held at ICIS in Seattle (not clashing with the women's breakfast) and the one after that in Turku.
Dr. Edgar A. Whitley