Standing Committee of the European Conference on Information Systems
Minutes of the meeting held at Regensburg University, Febrary 19th, 2005
1 Apologies
In attendance: Edgar Whitley, Birger Rabb, Dieter Bartmann, Florian Alwein, Federico Rajola, Susanne Leist, Jorg Becker, Alessandro D'Atri, Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, Urban Nulden, Phillip Ein-Dor, Robert Winter, Gunther Pernul, Jannis Kallinikos, Kalevi Pessi, Jan Ljunberg, David Avison
2 Claudio Ciborra
The committee stood in silent memory of Claudio Ciborra who died on February 13th, 2005 and who had been closely involved with the ECIS community, most recently with regard to ECIS 2003 in Naples.
It was agreed that a tribute from the ECIS standing committee be added to the list of tributes.
It was also agreed that the best paper award for ECIS be named in honor of Claudio.
3 Minutes of the last meeting
3.1 Resolved
That these be accepted
3.2 There were no matters arising
4 ECIS 2005 Regensburg plans
4.1 Noted
Professor Bartmann and his team introduced the IBI and the institute of MIS at Regensburg, which has 7 full professors offering a full range of programmes of study in this area.
Details of the fees being charged and the number of submissions were presented.
The reviewing process had, as ever, been intense but well managed by the track chairs who were thanked for all their efforts.
The Doctoral Consortium was being organised by Karl Kautz and Gunther Pernul and the site would be visited later.
The use of the ICIS review system for the doctoral consortium was felt to be particularly beneficial.
That the FinanceCom workshop was being held prior to ECIS and that it would be sensible to try and schedule the efinance track on the first day of the conference as a result.
4.2 In discussion
The question of the number of nominations to the consortium per institution was raised and, after discussion, it was agreed that the current norm of one student per institution would remain in place.
4.3 German-Italian workshop
Details of this workshop, which is intended to encourage the participation of younger researchers who may only have "research in progress" at this time, were presented, with the hope that this would be expanded in future years.
5 Presentation of current status of ECIS 2006 preparations
5.1 Noted
Details of the preparations for ECIS 2006 were presented.
6 Any other issues
6.1 There were no other issues.
7 Next meeting
7.1 To be held at ECIS in Regensburg.
Dr. Edgar A. Whitley
Secretary, ECIS standing committee.