Minutes of the meeting of the ECIS standing committee: Amsterdam, December 10th, 1995
1 Present: Edgar Whitley, Dan Remenyi, Walter Baets, Helmut Krcmar (chair), Leslie Willcocks, Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Ramon O'Callaghan, Jacques-Andre Bartoli, Wim Van Grembergen, Bob Galliers, Michael Smirnow, Tawfik Jelassi
Apologies: Frank Land, Georgios Doukidis, Agneta Olerup, Dirk DeSchoolmeester, Markku Saaksjarvi, Ciaran Murphy
In attendance: Chrisanthi Avgerou (to speak on item 6)
2 Minutes of previous meeting
3 Membership of the standing committee
3.1 Noted
Whilst the role of journals representative had been useful, it was no longer considered necessary
The size of the standing committee (voting members) be limited to a workable size
The standing committee should try and represent the entire region
3.2 Resolved
That the role of journals representative be discontinued after ECIS 1996.
That regional representatives be invited to serve on the standing committee to ensure that all regions are fairly represented
That regional representatives are members for a two year period
That regional representatives act as a pool of suitable organisers for future conferences
That voting rights be limited to the organisers of past, present and future conferences
That standing committee meetings be open to all, in addition to the specially invited regional representatives.
4 ECIS 98
4.1 Noted
The proposal from Namur had been withdrawn
Jacques-André Bartoli presented the details of the proposal from Aix-en-provence and answered questions about it
Georgios Doukidis, because of other commitments, may not be able to participate in the organising committee as envisaged
4.2 Resolved
That Jacques-André Bartoli and his colleagues at Aix be invited to host ECIS 98
5 Future ECIS
5.1 Noted
No proposals had been received, although Lausanne and IESE may be interested in hosting future conferences
6 PhD consortium
6.1 This item was introduced by Chrisanthi Avgerou, AIS regional representative for Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
6.2 Noted
AIS propose hosting a PhD consortium for the region to be held in association with future ECIS conferences as part of its role of promoting the discipline of information systems within the region
6.3 Resolved
That AIS be invited to organise PhD consortiums at future ECIS conferences
The precise relationship between the AIS and the ECIS standing committee would be clarified at a future meeting
7 Publishing 'best papers' from ECIS conferences
7.1 Noted
A number of papers had been published in journals associated with the conference
In practice, there was no 'fast tracking' of journal papers
The informal co-operation amongst journal editors had worked well
7.2 Resolved
That the journals associated with the conference be encouraged to continue selecting papers from the conference as they think appropriate
8 Standing committee guidelines
8.1 Noted
Many of the issues raised in the previous discussions related to the details of the guidelines
That not all members of the standing committee had received copies of the guidelines in time
That there was insufficient time at the meeting to discuss the guidelines fully
8.2 Resolved
That Edgar Whitley contact all members of the standing committee asking for comments about the guidelines to be received by February 28th. A reminder to all members of the committee would be sent early in 1996.
That these revisions be discussed in full at the committee meeting in Lisbon
9 Publicity about the standing committee and proposals to host conferences
9.1 Resolved
That appropriate means, including the Internet, be used to advertise the standing committee and request proposals to host future conferences
10 Any other business
10.1 There was no other business so the meeting was closed at 6PM