Standing Committee of the European Conference on Information Systems

Minutes of the meeting of the ECIS Standing Committee held in the Boardroom, Atlanta Hilton hotel, Tuesday December 17th, from 7AM prompt 1997

1 Apologies

Present: Joze Gricar, Andreja Pucihar, Sven Carlsson, Walter Baets, Claudia Loebbecke, Bob Galliers, Hans Hansen, Niels Bjorn-Andersen, Helmut Krcmar, Philip Ein-Dor, Markku Saaksjarvi, Wolfgang Koenig, Ramon O'Callaghan

Apologies: Tawfik Jelassi, Dirk DeSchoolmeester, Jan-Pries Heje, Wim Van Grembergen

2 Minutes of the previous meeting

2.1 Resolved

That the minutes be accepted

3 ECIS 98 Aix-en-Provence

3.1 Reported

That over 300 papers had been received, including 200 research papers

Building work on the conference centre will be completed in April, with the option to move to the university buildings if this deadline is missed.

Keynote speakers:

Peter Keen

Hubert Tardieu (CEO SEMA Group Telecom)

Gordon Davis (President AIS)

Phillippe MAES (Vice President, GEMPLUS a world leader in the smart card industry)

Possibly someone from the EU

3.2 Noted

That a number of proposals for attending the PhD consortium had been received from outside the region (in particular from Australasia)

3.3 Resolved

If these outside proposals for the consortium were received on time, they would be reviewed but applicants from within the region would, all other things being equal, be given priority, as other regions have their own PhD consortia.

4 Copenhagen

4.1 Reported

The conference officers for Copenhagen were confirmed as:

Conference and organizing chair: Jan Pries-Heje, Copenhagen Business School

Programme Committee Chair: Claudio Ciborra, Theseus, France

Research papers: Karlheinz Kautz, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Panels: David Avison, Southhampton

Case studies: Josep Valor, IESE Barcelona, Spain

Research in progress: Ellen Christiaanse, Nijenrode University, The Netherlands

Doctoral consortium, Lars Mathiassen, Aalborg University, Denmark

The website for the conference would be running in early 1998.

It was intended to allow early booking at a special price for Copenhagen at Aix (and for Vienna in Copenhagen). Both conferences also intend to provide a discount for AIS members of $40 which is equivalent to the membership dues for AIS.

It was reported that the conference organises wanted to move the dates of the conference, to accommodate the midsummer celebrations and also because of limited availability of the Stock Exchange building which was intended for the conference dinner.

It was now proposed that the social events for the conference now be as follows:

Tuesday 22nd, Evening welcome reception in the City Hall

Wednesday 23rd, Suggestions of which bonfires to visit would be made available

Thursday 24th, Conference dinner in the Stock Exchange

Friday 25th, Conference ends at noon

4.2 Resolved

That the new conference dates be accepted

5 Proposals for future ECIS conferences

In line with the desire of the standing committee, interest in hosting future conferences had been expressed by Slovenia and Gdansk, Poland. Unfortunately Gdansk had not been able to provide a full proposal in time for the meeting and therefore regrettably withdrew from making a proposal for 2001, and will instead present a proposal for 2002 at the next meeting.

• ECIS 2001 in Slovenia

5.1 Noted

An excellent proposal from Joze Gricar to host ECIS 2001 in Slovenia

The Slovenia organisers acknowledged the assistance of Hans Hansen in preparing their proposal.

The conference would be organised jointly between the two main information systems departments at Maribor and Lublijana.

That the conference would be held at the resort of Bled in June where a number of other successful conferences had been held.

That the dates for the electronic commerce conference had not been finalised, although it might be possible to combine this with ECIS.

That, upon acceptance of the proposal, the organisers would be contacting the Ministry of Science and Technology to support the proposal

5.2 Resolved

Unanimously, that Slovenia be invited to organise ECIS 2001

That the pricing strategy should be similar to that organised for Vienna but that the conference budget should be considered and finalised two years in advance of the conference and that this issue be raised as a separate agenda item in the next meeting of the standing committee.

6 Links with other organisations


6.1 Noted

The interest that EIAMS had expressed in working with ECIS

That this was not necessarily something that was a concern of the ECIS standing committee, although the committee members were representatives of the European information systems community.



That a meeting with EIAMS be held to discuss possible future collaboration

6.3 Resolved

That the meeting with EIAMS should be organised and that the issue of collaboration be brought back to the standing committee if it was felt that there was a definite link to the work of the ECIS standing committee

• AIS (formalisation of the PhD consortium relationship)

6.4 Noted

A proposal from AIS council to formalise the links between AIS and ECIS with regard to the PhD consortium. A copy of the proposal is attached.

6.5 Resolved

That the proposal formalising the link be accepted and added to the ECIS standing committee guidelines.

7. Membership of the standing committee

• Regional representatives

• Representatives from future conferences

7.1 Noted

That the range of countries represented in the organisation of future conferences was covering most of the region, making explicit consideration of regional representatives unnecessary

7.2 Proposed

That no new regional representatives be appointed to the standing committee, but that instead the meetings be open to anyone who wishes to attend (although without voting rights) with the intention that this will provide a mechanism for new members to enter the standing committee.

To formalise current practice that the two main organisers of future conferences become members of the standing committee and that, the year before the conference all the main conference officers become members of the standing committee.

7.3 Resolved

These proposals were accepted

8 Next meeting

Details of the next meeting on June 3rd 2.30PM were confirmed and it was hoped that members would be able to meet for lunch beforehand (at the Le Cactus restaurant) to ensure that the meeting started on time.

Dr. Edgar A. Whitley


MEMORANDUM TO: ECIS Standing Committee and AIS Council

FROM: Bob Galliers and Ron Weber

RE: AIS Support for ECIS Doctoral Consortium

DATE: 31 October 1997


The Association for Information Systems (AIS) currently provides $4000 U.S. to assist the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) hold a Doctoral Consortium. In addition, AIS provides contributions

in kind (e.g., assistance with organizing and conducting the Consortium). Both ECIS and AIS agree that the nature of AIS's participation in the doctoral consortium held in conjunction with ECIS now needs to be formalized so that both parties can plan their involvement in the Consortium appropriately.

Parties to the Agreement

The parties to the agreement are the Standing Committee of the European Conference on Information Systems and the Council of the Association for Information Systems.

Duration of the Agreement

This agreement relates to the Doctoral Consortium held in conjunction with ECIS and takes effect on 1 January 1998 and terminates at the conclusion of the European Conference on Information Systems in 2000.

It can also be terminated by either the Chair of the ECIS Standing Committee or the President of AIS giving notice in writing of intent to terminate the agreement at least four months before the commencement of the European Conference on Information Systems in any year. It is anticipated that a new agreement will take effect upon the termination of this agreement at the conclusion of the European Conference on Information Systems in 2000.


The AIS Council consists of its officers, the immediate Past President, and from 6-12 members elected to serve on Council. The number of members to serve on the Council shall be determined by Council. The officers of AIS shall be a President, a President-Elect, one of more functional Vice-Presidents as specified by Council, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.

AIS has two Regional Councillors who represent Region 2--Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Each Regional Councillor serves for a two-year term. Their terms are staggered so that only one new Councillor is elected each year. Henceforth the Regional Councillor who was first elected to Council will be called the Senior Regional Councillor, and the Regional Councillor who was most recently elected to Council will be called the Junior Regional Councillor.

The ECIS Standing Committee comprises the main conference officers of the previous, present, and forthcoming ECIS. Extra members of the Standing Committee may include a representative from the international scientific information systems journals and the various international associations that support the conference. Members of the ECIS Standing Committee should come from at least 12 European countries. To achieve this objective, from

time to time extra members from various European countries will be invited to join the Standing Committee. The Chair of the Standing Committee is the Conference Chair of the previous conference. The Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee is the Conference Chair for the forthcoming conference.

Name of the Doctoral Consortium

The name of the Consortium will be the ECIS-AIS Doctoral Consortium. This name will be used in all materials associated with the Consortium.

Responsibilities under the Agreement

AIS agrees to undertake the following:

1. Advertise the ECIS-AIS Doctoral Consortium and ECIS Conference on its Web pages, and each year provide a hotlink to the Consortium and Conference Web pages.

2. Provide $4000 U.S. towards the cost of the Consortium on presentation of an invoice from the co-chairs of the Consortium no earlier than six months before ECIS.

3. Have the Senior Regional Councillor perform the duties normally performed by an ECIS-AIS Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair. These duties can be determined by reference to the activities carried out by Consortium Co-Chairs in previous years.

4. Have the Senior Regional Councillor and the Junior Regional Councillor use their best efforts to raise additional funding to support the ECIS-AIS Doctoral Consortium.

5. Have the Junior Regional Councillor assist the Senior Regional Councillor discharge her/his duties in relation to their position as Doctoral Consortium Co-Chair.

ECIS agrees to undertake the following:

1. Acknowledge that AIS supports the Doctoral Consortium in its Conference promotional materials, and each year provide a hotlink to the AIS Web pages from the ECIS Conference Web page.

2. Allow the Senior Regional AIS Councillor to be ex officio a member of the ECIS Standing Committee.

3. Allow AIS promotional material and membership application forms to be distributed at ECIS.

4. Provide a co-chair for the Consortium.