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Term Paper

Topic: Critical Thinking in 2009 Paper length: 1000-2000 words.
Due: Friday, Dec 11 at midnight
by Electronic Submission

Paper Content

The main part of paper should do the following:

Paper Topic Submission (10%)

To help you start thinking about your paper, I'm asking you to bring in a 100-200 word description of your paper topic for discussion, on Monday, Nov 30 (1 week before the paper is due). Turning this short description in (on time) will get you 10% of the points for your paper, so it would be silly not to do it!


The standard term-paper requirements apply: your paper should be neat, spell-checked, grammatical, and presented in an appropriate word-processor format using 12pt Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, and double-spaced lines. You should include a bibliography and properly cite all your sources. The wording in your paper should be your own. It should not be copied or paraphrased even loosely from another source. If you're uncertain about how to use sources, see this guide.

Your paper should also be well-organized. It should contain an introduction, a conclusion, and appropriately headed sections. -- for example, it would be a good idea to organize each of the requirements (1-4) above in a separate section.

Finally, as in any philosophy course, your writing should be clear and simple. Use small words and short sentences. For more information about how to write a good philosophy paper, you are welcome to check out my guide.


Your paper must be submitted in electronic form through Turnitin.com, a plagiarism prevention web resource. To submit your paper, simply do the following:

  1. Visit Turnitin.com.
  2. Click "New Users" in the upper right corner.
  3. Enter the appropriate Turnitin Class ID number and Enrollment Password (this will be provided in class)
  4. Finish the registration process.
  5. Click the "Principles of Scientific Reasoning" class link.
  6. Click the "Submit" icon in the row marked "Paper."
  7. Upload your paper!

Acceptable formats for your paper are MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF and plain text. You should also submit your extra credit paper, if you choose to do one, by clicking on the "Submit" icon in the row marked "Extra Credit Paper." All papers (including extra credit) must be submitted by midnight on Friday, Dec 11.
