Richard Bradley











Decision Theory with a Human Face, Cambridge University Press, 2017. (An earlier draft can be found here.)


 Papers in Journals

Attitudes, Deliberation and Choices, Forthcoming in Synthese, 2022 (Special issue: Decision-Making and Hypothetical Reasoning: Themes in the Philosophy of Richard Bradley) 2022

Impartial Evaluation under Ambiguity, online first in Ethics 132 (3), 2022

Million Dollar Questions: Why Deliberation Is More Than Information Pooling (with Daniel Hoek), online first in Social Choice and Welfare 2022

Probabilities of Counterfactuals, Argumenta, forthcoming 2020

Following the Science: Pandemic Policy and Reasonable Worst-case Scenarios (with Joe Roussos), LSE Public Policy Review 1(4), p. 6, 2021

Making confident decisions with model ensembles (with Joe Roussos and Roman Frigg), Philosophy of Science, 88(3): 439-460, 2021

Conditionals: Truth and Safety (with Hugh Mellor), Mind and Language 2020: 1 - 14

Integrating Science and Policy: Lessons from Tsunami Risk Assessment in Western India (with Cassidy Johnson, Serge Guillas, Teja Mahadi, Julia Wesely and Garima Jain), UCL Open: Environment, 2019

Against the Proportionality Principle: Experimental Findings on Bargaining over Losses. (with Wulf Gaertner, Yongsheng Xu and Lars Schwettmann), PLOS ONE, 14(7): e0218805, 2019

What is Risk Aversion? (with Orri H. Stefánsson), British Journal of Philosophy of Science, 70 (1): 77-102, 2019

Combining probability with qualitative degree-of-certainty metrics in assessment (with Casey Helgeson and Brian Hill), Climatic Change 149 (3-4): 517-525, 2018

Learning from Others: Conditioning versus Averaging, Theory and Decision 85 (1): 5-20, 2018

Climate Change Assessments: Confidence, Probability and Decision, (with Casey Helgeson and Brian Hill), Philosophy of Science 84(3): 500-522 (2017)  

Counterfactual Desirability (with Orri H. Stefánsson), British Journal of Philosophy of Science 68(2): 485-533 (2017) 

Supporters and Underminers: Reply to Chandler, Mind 126 (502): 603-608 (2017)

Desire, Expectation and Invariance, (with Orri H. Stefánsson), Mind 125(499): 691-725 (2016) 

Belief revision generalized: A joint characterization of Bayes's and Jeffrey's rules (with Christian List and Franz Dietrich), Journal of Economic Theory 162: 352-371, 2016 

Ellsberg’s Paradox and the Value of Chances, Economics and Philosophy 32 (2): 231–248, 2016 

How Valuable are Chances? (with Orri H. Stefánsson), Philosophy of Science 82(4): 602-625,2015

Climate Policy and Decision Making, Philosophy Compass, forthcoming 2015 (with Katie Steele)

Aggregating Causal Judgements, Philosophy of Science 81 (2014), 491-515 (with Christian List and Franz Dietrich

Types of Uncertainty, Erkenntnis 2013 (with Mareile Drechsler)

Realistic Opinion Aggregation: Lehrer-Wagner with Finite Values, Episteme 9: 91-99, 2012 (with Carl Wagner)

Multidimensional Semantics for Conditionals, Philosophical Review 121 (4): 539-571, 2012

Restricting Preservation: A Reply to Hill, Mind 121: 147-159, 2012

A (Mainly Epistemic) Argument for Multiple-vote Majority Rule, Episteme 9 (1): 63 -79, 2012 (with Christopher Thompson)

Conditionals and Supposition-based Reasoning, Topoi 30 (1): 39-45, 2011

Proposition-valued Random Variables as Information, Synthese 175, Supplement 1: 17-38, 2010

Revising Incomplete Attitudes, Synthese 171 (2): 235-256, 2009

Becker’s Thesis and Three Models of Preference Change, Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8(2): 223-242, 2009

Belief as Desire Revisited (with Christian List), Analysis, 69: 29-35, 2009

Comparing Evaluations, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1): 85-100, 2008

Reaching a Consensus, Social Choice and Welfare 29: 609-632, 2007

Impartiality in Weighing Lives, Philosophical Books 48 (4): 292-302, 2007

The Kinematics of Belief and Desire, Synthese, 56 (3): 513-535, 2007

A Unified Bayesian Decision Theory, Theory and Decision  63:233-263, 2007

A Defence of the Ramsey Test, Mind, 116: 1-21, 2007

Taking Advantage of Difference of Opinion, Episteme, 3 (3): 141-155, 2006

Adams Conditionals and Non-Monotonic Probabilities, Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 15: 65 - 81, 2006

Radical Probabilism and Bayesian Conditioning, Philosophy of Science, 72: 342-364, 2005

Bayesian Utilitarianism and Probability Homogeneity, Social Choice and Welfare, 24: 221-251, 2005

Ramsey's Representation Theorem, Dialectica, 4: 484-497, 2004

Indicative Conditionals, Erkenntnis 56: 345-378, 2002

A Preservation Condition for Conditionals, Analysis 60 (3) 219-22, July 2000

Conditionals and the Logic of Decision, Philosophy of Science 67 (Proceedings), S18-S32, 2000

Conditional Desirability, Theory and Decision 47 (1):23-55, 1999

More Triviality, Journal of Philosophical Logic 28: 129-139, 1999

A Representation Theorem for a Decision Theory with Conditionals, Synthese 116: 187-229, 1998


Papers in Collections/Handbooks

The Philosophy of Climate Science (with Roman Frigg, Katie Steele, Erica Thompson and Charlotte Werndl) forthcoming in Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Decision Theory: a semi-formal introduction. In V. Hendriks and S-O Hansson (eds), Handbook of Formal Philosophy, forthcoming 2014, Springer

A Note on Incompleteness, Transitivity and Suzumura Consistency. In Individual and Collective Choice and Social Welfare: Essays in Honour of  Nick Baigent. Eds. Binder, C., G. Codognato, M. Teschl and Y. Xu, 2015, Springer

Five Questions. In V. Hendriks and D. Pritchard (eds) Social Epistemology: Five Questions, Automatic Press  (2015)

Preference Kinematics. In T. Grüne and S-O Hansson (eds), Preference Change: Approaches from Philosophy, Economics and Psychology, 2008

Consensus by Aggregation and Deliberation in Homage à Wlodek: Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Wlodek Rabinowicz, edited by Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen, Björn Petersson, Jonas Josefsson and Dan Egonsson, 2007

Ramsey and the Measurement of Belief, in D. Corfield and J. Williamson (eds) Foundations of Bayesianism, 273-299, 2001


Review of John Broome "Ethics out of Economics", Mind 11 (444): 837-841, 2002

Review of James Joyce "The Foundations of Causal Decision Theory",  Economics and Philosophy, 17 (2): 275-294, 2001

Review of Steven Rappaport "Models and Reality in Economics", Economics and Philosophy 16 (1): 159-163, 2000

Review of Roger Backhouse "Explorations in Economic Methodology: From Lakatos to Empirical Philosophy of Science", British Journal of Philosophy of Science 50: 316-318, 1999



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