Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2015) "Complying, transforming or resisting in the new austerity? Realigning social welfare and independent action among English voluntary organisations" Journal of Social Policy 44(3) pp. 463 - 485 Preprint online (DOI) 10.1017/S0047279414000853
Lagazio, M., N. Sherif and M. Cushman (2014) "A Multi-Level Approach to Understanding the Impact of Cyber Crime on the Financial Sector", Computers & Security. 45 pp. 58-74
Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2013) "Complying, transforming or resisting in the new austerity? Realigning social welfare and independent action among English voluntary organisations" in 19th Annual Voluntary Sector and Volunteering Research Conference, Sheffield, UK 10-11 September 2013 - revised version in JSP 44:3 (2015)
Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2013) "Compliance, Transformation or Resistance in the New Austerity? Is there space for independent action by English voluntary organisations under the Coalition Government?" in 8th Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK 10-12 July 2013 - revised version in JSP 44:3 (2015)
Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2013) "From the Third Sector to the Big Society: How Changing UK Government Policies Have Eroded Third Sector Trust ", Voluntas, 24 (2) pp.485-508 (DOI) 10.1007/s11266-012-9302-0.
Cushman, M. (2012) "A Curriculum for Curiosity: What is wrong with Michael Gove's prescription for the ICT curriculum", Adults Learning, 23 (3) pp. 32-33
Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2011) "From the Third Sector to the Big Society: how changing UK government policies have eroded third sector trust". in 7th Critical Management Studies Conference, Naples, Italy 11-13 July, 2011
Milbourne, L. and M. Cushman (2010) "Challenges to Trust in a Changing Third Sector". in 5th Workshop on Trust within and between Organizations Madrid, Spain, 28/29 January, 2010
Cushman, M (2009) Schools and Communities: Developing Links; Understanding the role for information and communication technologies Policy Engagement Network, LSE
Cushman, M (2009) "Much More will be Needed to Engage the Non-users: Commentary on Digital Britain", Adults Learning, 21 (1) pp14-15
Cushman, M. and R McLean (2008) "Exclusion, Inclusion and Changing the Face of Information Systems Research" Information Technology & People, 21 (3) pp. 213-221
Franco, L. A., M. Cushman and J. Rosenhead (2006) "Facilitating Collaboration across Organisational Boundaries: An Exploratory Study Using Problem Structuring Methods". in Coordination and Cooperation across Organisational Boundaries, Milan, April 20-21, 2006,
Cushman, M. and E. Klecun (2006) "I've Never Tried It Because I Don't Like It: Enabling Technology Choices". in Information Communication and Society Conference, York, UK, 20-22 September 2006,
Cushman, M. (2006) Book Review "Visible Thinking: Unlocking Causal Mapping for Practical Business Results by J. M.Bryson, F. Ackermann, C. Eden and C. B. Finn, Wiley, Chichester. 2004", Journal of the Operational Research Society, 57 (7), pp. 880-881
Cushman, M. and E. Klecun (2006) "How (Can) Non-Users Engage with Technology: Bringing in the Digitally Excluded" in Social Inclusion: Societal and Organisational Implications for Information Systems, (Trauth, E., D. Howcroft, T. Butler, B. Fitzgerald and J. d. Gross eds) Springer, Boston, pp. 347-364.
Clarke, A. and M. Cushman (2006) "Gaining Control, and a Voice, through Technology". in BERA Annual Conference, University of Warwick, 6-9 September,
Land F, Sorrentino M, Andersen KV, Cushman M, Damodoran L, Reid M (2005) "Panel: E-government, the citizen and equity: E-service delivery and the non-user". In Proceedings of the Thirteenth European Conference on Information Systems (Bartmann D, Rajola F, Kallinikos J, Avison D, Winter R, Ein-Dor P, Becker J, Bodendorf F, Weinhardt C eds.), Regensburg, Germany, 26-28 May 2005.
Venters, W., M. Cushman and T. Cornford (2005) "Knowledge About Sustainability: SSM as a Method for Conceptualising the UK Construction Industry's Knowledge Environment." Journal of Computing and Information Technology, 13(2) pp 137-148.
Cushman, M. and W. Venters (2004) "Making Sense of Rich Pictures: Combining SSM and Oval Mapping". at Operational Research Society 46th Annual Conference (OR46), York, 7-9 September 2004.
Cushman, M. and L. A. Franco (2004) "Cross-Organisational Learning: Sharing Insights from Managing Major Construction Projects" in Planning under Pressure: The Strategic Choice Approach, (Friend, J. and A. Hickling eds) (third edn) Elsevier Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford, pp. 340-344.
Cushman, M. and J. Rosenhead (2004) "Planning in the Face of Politics: Reshaping Children's Health Services in Inner London" in Operations Research and Health Care: A Handbook of Methods and Applications, (Brandeau, M., F. Sainfort and W. Pierskalla eds) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA, USA. pp. 555-592.
Franco, L. A., M. Cushman and J. Rosenhead (2003) "Project Review and Learning in the Construction Industry: Embedding a Problem Structuring Method within a Partnership Context", European Journal of Operational Research 152 (3), pp. 586-601 .
Venters, W., N. Mitev, M. Cushman and T. Cornford (2003) "Practiced Knowledge and Knowledgeable Practices: Weaving Stories from Engineering to Culture" Third Social Study of IT Workshop: Knowledge and Organizing, London, April 2003
Venters, W., M. Cushman and T. Cornford (2003) "Motility of Practiced Knowledge: An exploration within the UK Construction Industry" The Fourth European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, Barcelona, 13-14 April 2003.
Cushman, M. and T. Cornford (2003) "Infrastructures for Construction Collaboration: The Cross Organisational Learning Approach", International Journal of IT in Architecture, Engineering and Construction, 1 (1) pp 67-78
Venters, W., M. Cushman and T. Cornford (2002) "Inter-Organisational Motility of Construction Knowledge Practices". in e-sm@rt 2002: Towards a European Knowledge Economy in the Construction and Related Sectors, Salford, UK, 18-21 November 2002.
Cushman, M., W. Venters, T. Cornford and N. Mitev (2002) "Understanding Sustainability as Knowledge Practice". in British Academy of Management Conference: Fast-Tracking Performance through Partnerships, London, UK, 9-11 September 2002.
Cushman, M and J. Rosenhead (2002) "Agreeing a Strategy for the Delivery of Children’s Health Services: replacing ambiguity by specificity through the use of Strategic Choice" in The sixteenth triennial conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Edinburgh, 8 - 12 July, 2002
Cushman, M., L. A. Franco and J. Rosenhead (2002) "Problem Structuring Methods for Cross-Organizational Learning" in Understanding Collaboration: International Perspectives on Theory Method and Practice, (Stewart, M. and D. Purdue eds) Faculty of the Built Environment, UWE, Bristol, pp. 45-51
Venters, W., M. Cushman and T. Cornford (2002) "Creating Knowledge for Sustainability: Using SSM for Describing Knowledge Environments and Conceptualising Technological Interventions". in The Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning and Capabilities, Athens, 5-6 April 2002.
Rosenhead, J., M. Cushman, J. Pratt, A. M. Pickup and E. Rowbottom (2001) "'Soft' Crime Prevention - Some UK Experience". in International Conference on OR in Development, Berg-en-Dal, Kruger National Park, South Africa, May 16-18, 2001.
Cushman, M., L. A. Franco and J. Rosenhead (2001) "Learning from Partners in the Construction Industry: A Feedback Approach to Cross-Organizational Learning". in 8th International Conference in Multi-Organizational Partnerships and Co-operative Strategy, Bristol, 12-14 July 2001.
Cushman, M. (2001) "Action Research in the UK Construction Industry - the B-Hive Project". in IFIP WG 8.2 working conference on Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development: The Social and Organizational Perspective, Boise, Idaho, USA, 27-29 July 2001.
Land, F., L. Mathiassen, B. Galliers, M. Cushman and R. Baskerville (2001) "Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners Using Action Research" in Realigning Research and Practice in Information Systems Development : The Social and Organizational Perspective, (Russo, N. L., B. FitzGerald and J. I. DeGross eds) Kluwer Academic, Boston, pp.467-470.
Introna, L. D., M. Cushman and H. Moore (2000) "The Virtual Organisation - Technical or Social Innovation? Lessons from the Film Industry". in Proceedings of the Eighth European Conference on Information Systems, pp. 615-622, Vienna,
Orange, G., M. Cushman and A. Burke (1999) "COLA: A Cross Organisational Learning Approach within UK Industry". in 4th International Conference on Networking Entities (Neties'99), Donau-Universität, Krems, Austria, 18-19 March 1999.
Orange, G., A. Burke and M. Cushman (1999) "An Approach to Support Reflection and Organisation Learning within the UK Construction Industry". in BITWorld'99: Business Information Technology Management: The Global Imperative, Cape Town, South Africa, 30 June - 2 July 1999.
Cushman, M., et al (1999) Gaining Value through Review and Learning: A Construction Industry User's Guide to the Cross Organisational Learning Approach, B-Hive Project, LSE, London.
2010 "This Act of Cultural Vandalism", Adults Learning, 21(8) p29
2001 Joint Editor Aylesbury Revisited Outreach in the 1980s (second edition) Leicester, National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education
2001 (with Dan Taubman) "A History of ILEA Outreach Work and its Precursors", in Aylesbury Revisited Outreach in the 1980s (second edition), Leicester, National Institute of Adult and Continuing Education DOI:10.13140/2.1.4859.6483
1997 The Great Jewel Robbery: Adult Education in Inner London since the Break Up of the Inner London Education Authority London: NATFHE
1996 A Survey of Vocational Education and Training for Unemployed People in Hackney London: Hackney Task Force
1996 "Such Things as Bores are Made of" Guardian 22 October 1996
1996 "Narrow Vision of Adult Learning" TES 6 September 1996
1995 "Leaving Adult Education: An Open Letter", Adults Learning, 6 (6).
1994 "The 'Toys R Us' Market", Education, 184 (25)
1982 "Resources for Adult Education", NATFHE Journal, 7 (1).
1978 Joint Editor Let Loose, Bedford: Write First Time.
Page last updated 16 May, 2016