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MEI (Ec402): Lecture Slides & Exercises

Below are the slides from the lectures for each week. There are 3 per week: two theory lectures and one application. Notes and handouts for class will be posted the night before lectures.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10


Exercises will be posted towards the end of each week.

If there are additional handouts for lectures, the lectures will be marked with a (*) and handouts are available on the handout page.


Week 1:

Causal Inference

Data Structures

Application: Impact of Earnings on Health

Exercise 1   Exercise 1 Solutions


Week 2:

Experimental Evaluations

Non-Experimental Evaluations

Application 2: The Effect of Arrest on Domestic Violence

Exercise 2 (Data)  Exercise 2 Solutions


Week 3:

Omitted Variable Bias

Error Component Models

Application 3:  Estimating the Returns to Schooling

Exercise 3  Exercise 3 Solutions

Week 4:

Difference-in-Differences Methods

Matching Methods

Matching Methods 2

Exercise 4 (data) Exercise 4 Solutions

Week 5:

Instrumental variables: Introduction

Instrumental variables: Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

Exercise 5   Exercise 5 Solutions

Week 6:

Instrumental variables: Weak Instruments

Review of Causal Effects


Week 7:

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Week 8:

Univariate Time Series Processes

Stationary Time Series and Model Selection

Exercise 6 (data) Exercise 6 Solutions

Week 9:

Nonstationary Time Series & Forecasting

Regression Discontinuity /Event Studies

Exercise 7   Exercise 7 Solutions

Week 10:

Multivariate Time Series

Vector Auto-Regressions

Exercise 8  Exercise 8 Solutions

