papers on labour contracts

papers on labour contracts

authority in employment contracts: a bilateral bargaining approach

labour economics, 1996, 3, 1-24.

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why does my (and many others) employment contract say that i have to do what my employer says? this paper argues that employers impose such clauses as a 'divide and rule' strategy to strengthen their hand in wage bargaining. and workers are happy to accept these clauses as they will not be used in equilibrium

imperfect labour markets, the stock market and the inefficiency of capitalism

oxford economic papers, 1992, 44, 257-271. download from jstor

argues that, because the discount rate of workers is below that of employers, there is a generic bias in the organization of firms towards inefficient arrangements that strengthen the bargaining power of employers

an asymmetric information approach to the comparative analysis of participatory and capitalist firms.

oxford economic papers, 1989, 41, 312-326. download from jstor

something about comparing the distirbution of information in different types of firms. more than a little speculative

the profitability of private information in unionised capitalist enterprises

economic journal conference papers, 1986, 96, 122-133. download from jstor

argues that employers have an information to restrict information distribution in an attempt to get informational rents.

inefficiency and inequality in a model of occupational choice with private information (with b.lockwood).

journal of public economics, 1988, 37, 142-169

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can't remember what this was about but i'm sure it seemed terribly important at the time

implicit contracts

d.sapsford and z.tzannatos (eds) 'current issues in labour economics', macmillan, 1989.

a survey of what was then regarded as very exciting.