papers on immigration

papers on immigration

immigration and the access to social housing in the uk (with diego battiston, richard dickens, and jonathan wadsworth)

download discussion paper, 2014

investigates whether immigrants have preferential access to publih housing the uk, finding that they do not.

one nation under a groove? identity and multiculturalism in britain (with andreas georgiadis)

published journal of economic behavior and organization, 2013 download from journal

has multiculturalism failed to create a common identity? this paper investigates whether ethnic and religious minorities think of themselves as british finding that, on the whole, they do. but part of the white native population do not believe it.

the impact of immigration on the structure of male wages: theory and evidence from britain (with marco manacorda and jonathan wadsworth)

published journal of european economic association, 2012 download journal article

argues that immigration has minimal impact on native male wages because migrants and native sare not close subsistutes. this also mean that immigration does have a sizeable effect on the wages of immigrants themselves

the economic situation of immigrants and their children in france, germany and the uk (with yann algan, christian dustmann and albrecht glitz)

published economic journal Features 2010, 120, F4-F30 download from journal download discussion paper

takes advantage of the fact that france has only recently started collecting data on ethnicity of second-generation immigrants to compare education, earnings and employment in france, germany and the uk with their very different policies towards the integration of immigrants

change and continuity among minority communities in britain (with andreas georgiadis)

journal of population economics, 2011 download download discussion paper

looks at how the gender gap in education, age at marriage, fertility and female employment is changing for minorities in britain. argues that we see convergence of behaviour in all dimensions

culture clash or culture club: national identity in britain (with sanchari roy)

published, economic journal features, 2010, 120, F72-F100 download from journal download discussion paper

economic impacts of immigration may be small and of little concern. of more concern is whether immigrants fit into british culture. this paper investigates who thinks of themselves as british we find no evidence for a culture clash in general, and one connected with muslims in particular. the vast majority of those born in britain, of whatever ethnicity or religion, think of themselves as british newly arrived immigrants almost never think of themselves as british but the longer they remain in the uk, the more likely it is that they do. this process of assimilation is faster for those from poorer and less democratic countries, even though immigrants from these countries are often regarded as a particular cause for concern. our analysis of rights and responsibilities finds much smaller differences in views between the uk-born and immigrants than within the uk-born population.

theory of values (with andreas georgiadis)

download discussion paper

economists now think values are important but lack a theory of why people hold the values they do and any evidence on whether these theories work. this paper tries to do both.