an article investigating a short-run version of the classic burdett-mortensen model showing that strange things can happen
an article providing an idiosyncratic survey of the importance of imperfect competition in labour markets
documents that average plant size is larger in cities, that this is not predicted by many models of
agglomeration and that monopsony provides a simple, plausible explanation.
shows that perfect competition is best thought of a constant marginal cost of recruitment and monopsony as an increasing marginal cost. presents evidence of increasing marginal costs.
a brief survey of how models of oligopsony and monopsonistic competition can improve our understanding of labour markets
shows that average plant sizes are bigger in agglomerations, that many popular theories of agglomeration
predict the opposite and that thinknig of labour markets as monopsonistic can help us to understand the fact
published: labour economics, 2003, 10, 105-131.
or (if you can afford it) access through sciencedirect
argues that both modern and classical theories of monopsony require that,
suitably defined, labour markets are, from the point of view of workers, thin.
and argues uses data on wages and commuting, that the evidence is supportive of
this view.
published: labour economics, 2004, 11, 145-163.
or (if you can afford it) access through sciencedirect
sets up a simple general equilibrium model of a monopsonistic labour market and works through the policy impact of minimum wages, trade unions, welfare benefits, progressive taxation and restrictions on employment contracts
argues that the existence of involuntary unemployment is perfectly consistent with employers having sizeable market power over their workers and with a minimum wage being capable of raising employment
considers the implication of a model in which workers differ in their productivity and reservation wage but employers can only set a single wage. i suppose this eventually became the book , Princeton University Press.
argues that part of the employer size wage effect can be explained as the result of a labour supply curve to an individual employer that is upward-sloping