papers on trade unions
papers on trade unions
how robust is the microeconomic theory of the trade union?
journal of labor economics, 1994, 12, 430-59
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argues that conclusions about the effect of unions on this, that and the other, are not very robust to assuming that the production function
has a putty-clay technology
an integration of trade union models in a sequential bargaining framework.
economic journal, 1987, 97, 121-139
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a long time ago but i still quite like this: nests both labour demand curve and efficient bargain models in a more general framework
tests of alternative wage-employment bargaining models with an application to the uk aggregate labour market (with g.alogoskoufis).
european economic review, 1991, 35, 23-37
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empirical application of the above seeking to overcome weakness in other empirical literature on models of trade unions that the models appear
nested but are not. unfortunately, empirical application was rather implausibly to an aggregate data set
wage-setting and the tax system: theory and evidence for the u.k. (with b.lockwood).
journal of public economics, 1993, 52, 1-30
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shows that a progressive tax system would be expected to reduce wage pressure and hence the equilibrium unemployment rate
a bargaining model of wages, employment and investment for uk manufacturing.
birkbeck discussion paper, 1987,
puts investment into a standard union bargaining model. quite neat i thought but no-one else ever liked it
dynamic wage-employment bargaining with employment adjustment costs(with b.lockwood).
economic journal, 1989, 99, 1143-1158
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a theoretical model of whether unions speed up or slow down adjustment.
pre-strike ballots and wage-employment bargaining.
oxford economic papers, 1993, 45, 422-439
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an attempt (probably in vain) to understand the likely impact on wages and employment of ore-strike ballots as introduced in the UK
in the 1980s
a dynamic model of union power, wages and employment.
scandinavian journal of economics, 1993, 95, 175-193.
hmmm. one of those theoretical models that seemed a good idea at the time. can't quite remember why now
the determinants of wage pressure: some implications of a dynamic model
economica, 1991, 58, 325-39.
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see above
testing dynamic models of worker effort (with s.machin).
journal of labor economics, 1992, 10, 288-305
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a wholly implausible attempt to argue that dynamics might help us distinguish between bargaining, efficiency wage and competitive models
an economic analysis of the effects of pre-strike ballots.
d.metcalf and s.milner (eds) new perspectives on industrial disputes, london: routledge, 1993.
dynamic models of employment using firm level panel data (with s.machin and c.meghir).
j. van ours, g.pfann and g.ridder (eds) labour demand and equilibrium wage formation, amsterdam: north holland, 1993
a monster that should have been left locked in the attic and never talked about
collective bargaining institutions and efficiency.
european economic review papers and proceedings, 1987, 31, 168-176
application of the 1987 EJ paper to different institutions of collective bargaining
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