A. Questions for Submission

7.1 Classical Investment Philosophies

  1. Warren Buffet wrote that, `Price is what you pay; value is what you get'. Explain. What are the possible problems with this investment philosophy? Do you find Buffet's view plausible?
  2. What is chartism? Is it just a matter of 'financial astrology'? Or, do you find this investment philosophy plausible?

7.2 Random prices and rates of return

  1. Explain the analogy between the motion of fat globules in water and security prices in a market.
  2. Compare the random price hypothesis to the random rate of return hypothesis. When do you think it is reasonable to adopt (or reject) either one? Why?
  3. Is it possible to adopt the random rate of return hypothesis in a model, and still reasonably believe in a fundamentalist or chartist investment philosophy? Explain.

B. For Further Thought (No Submission)