Dr Buğra Süsler
I am an Associate Professor in International Relations at the Political Science Department, the Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, University College London, and a Visiting Fellow at the LSE IDEAS, where I lead the Turkey and the World research programme.
I am also the director of the Global Governance and Ethics MSc programme and the deputy director of the Global Governance Institute at UCL, an associate of the LSE Middle East Centre and the LSE Contemporary Turkish Studies Group, a member of UCL Conflict and Change, and an Associate Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy.
My research areas include foreign policy analysis, emerging powers, and international conflict and cooperation. I am the author of Turkey, the EU, and the Middle East: Foreign Policy Cooperation and the Arab Uprisings (Routledge, 2020).
I direct and teach courses on international conflict and cooperation, and war and violence at UCL, and foreign policy analysis at both UCL and LSE.
I have a PhD in International Relations and MSc in Politics and Government in the European Union from the LSE, and a BSc in Politics (with First Class Honours) from University of Bristol. I am from Istanbul and a graduate of Üsküdar American Academy.
Prior to joining UCL, I was a guest lecturer at LSE International Relations department, a visiting fellow at LSE Centre for International Studies, and an Emirates PhD Scholar at LSE Middle East Centre.
For more, please see my UCL profile at: https://profiles.ucl.ac.uk/72933-bugra-susler