The papers will be published in June 1998 vol. 14 no 2. of the Journal of Information Technology. Its being edited by Leslie Willcocks, Giorgios Doukidis and Hubert Oesterle. As I understood it David Avison and the Information Systems Journal will be taking the next theme issue.
CyberPets flying through marketspace: an analysis of new electronic commerce business model. Ellen Christiaanse and Robert-Jan Zimmerman
Effectiveness of using expert support technology for individual and small group decision-making. IT-based product and process innovation: a case from the Spanish legal sector. Katrin Simon, Pedro Sanchez and Mikel Olazaran.
Designing information technology architectures: a cost-oriented methodology. Chiara Francalanci and Vincenzo Piuri
Understanding participation in entrepreneurial organizations: applying the sociology of translation. Edgar Whitley.
The uptake and application of workflow management systems in the UK financial services sector. Neil Doherty and Ivor Perry.
The use of thre risk-remedy method for evaluating IT outsourcing tenders. Edward Lewis.
Video-conferencing across cultures: a conceptual framework for floor control issues. Schahram Dustdar and Gert Jan Hofstede.