
Versions of most of these publications are downloadable from LSEResearchOnline or the Management Science Group website.

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» Linear Programming
   Integer Programming (and logic)
» Modelling
» Duality and Economic Interpretations
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» Working Papers

Integer Programming (and logic)

Integer Programming as Projection (with J.N.Hooker), Discrete Mathematics 2016 (in Press), ISSN 0012-3651

The Dependency Diagram of a Mixed Integer Linear Programme, Journal of the Operational Research Society 2016 (in Press), ISSN 0160-5682

Combining Equity and Utilitarianism in a Mathematical Programming Model (with J.N.Hooker) "Management Science" Vol.58(9) (2013) 1682-1693.

The Problem with Integer Programming, "IMA Journal of Management Mathematics" Vol.22(3) (2011) 213-230, Online version doi: 10.1093/inaman/dpq014

A Survey of Different Integer Programming Formulations of the Travelling Salesman Problem (with Alex Orman) "Advances in Computational Management Science, 9, Optimisation, Econometric and Financial Analysis, edited by Cristian Gatu and Erricos Kontoghiorghes, Springer (2006).

The Allocation of Shared Fixed Costs (with Martin Butler) "European Journal of Operational Research" Vol.170 (2006) 391-397

Representations of the all-different Predicate of Constraint Satisfaction in Integer Programming (with Hong Yan) "INFORMS Journal on Computing" Vol. 13 (2001) 96-103

The Dual of a Logical Linear Programme, "Journal of Global Optimisation" Vol. 18 (2000) 129-141

Connections Between Integer Programming and Constraint Logic Programming (with J.M.Wilson) "INFORMS Journal on Computing" Vol. 10 (1998) 261-264

Integer Programming and Pricing Revisited "IMA Journal of Mathematics Applied in Business and Industry" Vol. 8 (1997) 203-214

Representing Integral Monoids by Inequalities (with D. Kirby) "Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing" Vol.23 (1997) 87-95

The 2-Period Travelling Salesman Problem applied to Milk Collection in Ireland (with M.Butler and L-A.Yarrow) "Computational Optimization and Applications" Vol. 7 (1997) 291-306

The Progressive Party Problem: A Difficult Problem of Combinatorial Optimisation (with S.C.Brailsford, P.M.Hubbard and B.Smith) "Computers and Operations Research" Vol. 23 (1996) 845 - 856

Constructing the Value Function for an Integer Linear Programme over a Cone "Computational Optimisation and Applications" Vol. 6 (1996) 15-26

The Equivalence of two Theorems of Integer Programming "Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society" Vol. 28 (1996) 311-316

Discrete Subadditive Functions as Gomory Functions (with F.Rhodes) "Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society" Vol.117 (1995) 559-574

Logic Applied to Integer Programming and Integer Programming Applied to Logic "European Journal of OR" Vol.81 (1995) 605-616

The Elimination of Integer Variables "Journal of the Operational Research Society" Vol. 43 (1992) 387-393

Linear and Integer Programming Applied to the Propositional Calculus "Systems Research and Information Science" Vol. 2 (1987) 81-100

A Characterisation of All Feasible Solutions to a Integer Programme "Discrete Applied Mathematics" Vol.5 (1983) 147-155

The Open University Interactive System for Integer Programming (with P.G.Thomas) "IUCC Bulletin" Vol 2 (1980)

The Reformulation of Two Mixed Integer Programming Problems "Mathematical Programming" Vol. 14 (1978) 325-331

Logical Problems and Integer Programming "Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications" Vol.13 (1977) 18-20

Fourier-Motzkin Elimination Extended to Integer Programming Problems "Journal of Combinatorial Theory" Vol.21 (1976) 118-123

Experiments in the Formulation of Integer Programming Problems "Mathematical Programming Studies" Vol.2 (1974) 180-197

Three Integer Programming Models "SIGMAP" No. 16 (1974) 35 - 41

A formalisation of the arithmetic of the ordinals less than Wω Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic" Vol.10 (1969) 77 - 89

The Synthesis of Logical Nets Consisting of NOR Units "Computer Journal" Vol. 11 (1968) 173 - 176