Published Papers
1. Does One Soros Make a Difference? A Theory of Currency Crises with Large and
Small Traders, with Giancarlo Corsetti, Stephen Morris, and Hyun Song Shin, The Review of Economic Studies, 71, pp.
87-114, January 2004.
2. Financial Contagion through Capital Connections: A Model of the Origin and
Spread of Bank Panics, Journal of the European
Economic Association, 2, pp. 1049-1084, December 2004.
3. Financial Equilibrium with Career Concerns, with Andrea Prat, Theoretical Economics, 1(1), pp. 67-93,
March 2006.
4. Coordination and Delay in Global Games, Journal of
Economic Theory, 134, 195-225, May 2007.
5. Incentives in funds management: a literature overview with S. Bhattacharya, A. Guembel,
and A. Prat, in The Handbook of Financial Intermediation and
Banking, (edited by A. Boot and A. Thakor), Elsevier, 2008.
6. Information aggregation in financial markets with career concerns, with Andrea Prat, Journal of Economic Theory, 143, 83-113,
December 2008. [pdf file]
7. Managers as Administrators: Reputation and Incentives, >with Yianis Sarafidis, Journal
of Economic Behavior and Organization, 70, 155-163, May 2009. [pdf file]
8. Institutional Trade
Persistence and Long-Term Equity Returns, with Andrea Prat and Michela Verardo, Journal of Finance, 66, 635-663,
April 2011.
9. The
Price Impact of Institutional Herding, with Andrea Prat and Michela Verardo, The Review of Financial
Studies, 24, 892-925, March 2011.
10. Regionality Revisited: An Examination of the Direction
of Spread of Currency Crises, with Roberto Leon-Gonzalez and Anja Shortland, The
Journal of International Money and Finance 30, 831-838, September 2011.
11. Dynamic Coordination with Individual
Learning, with Jakub Steiner and Colin Stewart, Games
and Economic Behavior 74, 83-101, January 2012.
12. The Wall Street Walk when Blockholders Compete for
Flows, with Giorgia Piacentino, Journal of
Finance 70, 2853-2896, December 2015.
13. Ties that Bind: How Business Connections Influence
Mutual Fund Activism, with Dragana Cvijanovic and Kostas Zachariadis,
Journal of
Finance 71, 2933-2966, December 2016.
14. Competition for Flow and Short-Termism in Activism, with Mike Burkart,
Review of Corporate Finance Studies 10, 44-81.
15. Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance,with Slava Fos and Zach Sautner.
Foundations and Trends in Finance, 12:4, September 2021.
16. Wolf Pack Activism, with Alon Brav and Richmond Mathews,
Forthcoming in Management Science.
17. The Wall Street Stampede: Exit as Governance with Interacting Blockholders, with Dragana Cvijanovic and Kostas Zachariadis, Forthcoming in Journal of Financial Economics.
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Working Papers
Delegated Blocks, with Rich Mathews.
Delegation Chains, with Ernst Maug.
Bond Funds and Credit Risk, with Jaewon Choi and Jimmy Oh.
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Older Manuscripts
Delegated Activism and Disclosure, with Kostas Zachariadis.
Social Learning with Payoff Complementarities.
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Publications Outside Economics
An Intersection Property of Sylow 2-subgroups in nonsolvable
groups, Mathematical
Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1997:122,
pp. 261-8, with Arnold Feldman. (An extension of my undergraduate mathematics honors
A Model of a Kuiper Belt
Small Grain Population and Resulting Far-Infrared Emission, The Astrophysical Journal,
1995:450, pp. L35-L38, with Dana Backman and Robert Stencel.
Rotation Periods of Open
Cluster Stars III, Publications of the
Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1995:107, pp. 211-8, with C. Prosser,
M. Shetrone, D. Backman, B. Laaksonen, S. Baker, L. Marschall, B. Whitney, K.
Kuijken, and J. Stauffer.
New Rotation
Periods in the Pleiades: Interpreting Activity Indicators. The Astrophysical Journal,
1998:493, pp. 914-25, with A. Krishnamurthi, D. Terndrup, M. Pinsonneault, K.
Sellgren, J. Stauffer, R. Schild, D. Backman, K. Beisser, D. Dahari, J.
Hagelgans, M. Seeds, R. Anand, B. Laaksonen, L. Marschall, and T. Ramseyer.
The Emerging Local Markets
Term Structure Report, J.P Morgan and Co.
Inc., Emerging Markets Research Client Publications, New York, September 2, 1997, with Karim
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Research Impact
My author pages on
Google Scholar, Web
of Science, and Scopus.
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Conferences I've co-organized
35th Annual Congress of the European Economic Association, Area Coordinator for Finance, Online, August 2020. Co-organized with Daniel Paravisini.
Second Annual Finance Theory Group European Summer Conference, London School of Economics, London, June 2017. Co-organized with Ulf Axelson, Peter Kondor, Igor Makarov, Martin Oehmke, and Hongda Zhong.
Institutional Investors and Corporate Governance, Swedish House of Finance, Stockholm, June 2017. Co-organized with Mike Burkart.
The 2nd Cambridge Corporate Finance Theory Symposium, Cambridge Endowment for Research in Finance, Cambridge, 18-19
September 2015.Co-organized with Bart Lambrecht.
Workshop on Global Games, 18th
Stony Brook Game Theory Festival, Stony Brook, NY, 19-20 July 2007.Co-organized with Stephen Morris and Alessandro Pavan
New Directions in Asset Pricing and Risk Management, Financial
Markets Group, London School of Economics, London, 15-16 June, 2006. Co-organized with Jon Danielsson. My part of this conference was called Agency Conflicts, Liquidity, and Asset Prices.
Session on Delegated Portfolio Management at the 2004 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Design, Palma de Mallorca, 29 June - 3 July 2004.
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