Radha Iyengar

Contact Details



Teaching - EC402

Teaching - EC423

Methods of Economic Investigation (Ec402)

This part of the course will build on what you learned in the first term but with a heavier emphasis on the empirical applications of the techniques. The goal is to build a strong link between the theoretical foundations and practical use of many of the techniques that are commonly used by economists. In addition, the course is structured to allow you to become critical consumers of empirical research by investigating the practical limitations of many techniques. The course is set up with 3 1-hour lectures each week, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. On Monday and Tuesday, we will cover the theoretic foundations of particular techniques. Each Thursday we will explore a specific application that has policy or economic significance.

Lectures Slides & Exercises

Below are the slides from the lectures for each week. There are 3 per week: two theory lectures and one application. Notes and handouts for class will be posted the night before lectures.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10


Exercises will be posted towards the end of each week.

If there are additional handouts for lectures, the lectures will be marked with a (*) and handouts are available on the handout page.


Week 1:

Causal Inference

Data Structures

Application: Impact of Earnings on Health

Exercise 1 Exercise 1 Solutions


Week 2:

Experimental Evaluations

Non-Experimental Evaluations

Application 2: The Effect of Arrest on Domestic Violence

Exercise 2 (Data) Exercise 2 Solutions


Week 3:

Omitted Variable Bias

Error Component Models

Application 3: Estimating the Returns to Schooling

Exercise 3 Exercise 3 Solutions

Week 4:

Difference-in-Differences Methods

Matching Methods

Matching Methods 2

Exercise 4 (data) Exercise 4 Solutions

Week 5:

Instrumental variables: Introduction

Instrumental variables: Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

Exercise 5 Exercise 5 Solutions

Week 6:

Instrumental variables: Weak Instruments

Review of Causal Effects


Week 7:

Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Week 8:

Univariate Time Series Processes

Stationary Time Series and Model Selection

Exercise 6 (data) Exercise 6 Solutions

Week 9:

Nonstationary Time Series & Forecasting

Regression Discontinuity /Event Studies

Exercise 7 Exercise 7 Solutions

Week 10:

Multivariate Time Series

Vector Auto-Regressions

Exercise 8 Exercise 8 Solutions
