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Shin, H.B. and Gimm, D-W. (forthcoming) The Political Economy of Mega Projects in Asia. Routledge

Shin, H.B. (forthcoming) Making China Urban: Geographical Aspects of Development and Disparity. Routledge

2018 and in press

Chen, Y-L. and Shin, H.B. (in press) Neoliberal Urbanism, Contested Cities and Housing in Asia. Palgrave Macmillan

Shin, H.B. (in press) Asian urbanism. In:  Orum, A.M. (ed.) The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies. Wiley-Blackwell

Shin, H.B. and Moreno, L. (eds.) (2018) The urban process under planetary accumulation by dispossession. CITY: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action

Shin, H.B. (2018) Geography: Rethinking the ‘urban’ and urbanization. In: Iossifova, D., Doll, C. and Gasparatos, A. (eds.) Defining the Urban: Interdisciplinary and Professional Perspectives. London: Routledge, pp.27-39

Shin, H.B. and Zhao, Y. (2018) Official urbanism as a state project: Lessons from Beijing’s green belts. In:  Jayne, M.(ed.) Chinese Urbanism: New Critical Perspectives. Routledge

Shin, H.B. (2018) Studying global gentrifications. In: Harrison, J. and Hoyler, M. (eds.) Doing Global Urban Research. SAGE

Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2018) Beyond Anglo-American gentrification theory. In: Lees, L. and Phillips, M. (eds.) Handbook of Gentrification Studies. Edward Elgar Publishing

Shin, H.B. (2018) Displacement by redevelopment and ‘new-build’ gentrification: the case of Nangok. In: Korea Center for City and Environment Research (ed.) Urban Regeneration and Gentrification. Seoul: KOCER [In Korean: 신현방 (in press) 재개발과 ‘신축’ 젠트리피케이션에 의한 축출: 난곡 사례를 중심으로. <도시재생과 젠트리피케이션> 한국도시연구소 엮음. 서울]


Shin, H.B. (2017) Urban movements and the genealogy of urban rights discourses: The case of urban Protesters against redevelopment and displacement in Seoul, South KoreaAnnals of the American Association of Geographers DOI: 10.1080/24694452.2017.1392844

Shin, H.B. (2017) Owning less and sharing together to inhabit. Small is Beautiful 255: 32-37 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 어떻게 덜 소유하고 함께 정주할 것인가. <작은 것이 아름답다> 255호, 32~37쪽]

Shin, H.B. (ed.) (2017) Anti Gentrification: What is to be Done. Paju: Dongnyeog. [In Korean: 신현방 (편저) 안티 젠트리피케이션, 우리는 무엇을 할 것 인가. 파주: 도서출판 동녘]

Shin, H.B. (2017) Introduction: Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. In: Shin, H.B. (ed.) Anti-Gentrification: What is to be done. Seoul: Dongnyok, pp. 15-36. [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 서장: 안티 젠트리피케이션: 무엇을 할 것인가. <안티 젠트리피케이션: 무엇을 할 것 인가> 신현방 엮음. 서울: 도서출판 동녘, 15~36쪽]

Shin, H.B. (2017) Speculative urbanisation, gentrification and the right to the city. In: The Seoul Institute (ed.) City of Hope. Seoul: The Seoul Institute, pp.216-243 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 투기적 도시화, 젠트리피케이션, 도시권. <희망의 도시> 서울연구원 엮음. 서울, 216~243쪽]

Shin, H.B. (2017) Envisioned by the state: Entrepreneurial urbanism and the making of Songdo City, South Korea. In: Datta, A. and Shaban, A. (eds.) Mega-urbanization in the Global South: Fast Cities and New Urban Utopias of the Postcolonial State. Abingdon; New York: Routledge, pp.83-100

Also read the editor’s description of the book here

Reprinted in: Park, B-G., Lee, S-W. and Cho, S-C. (eds.) Spaces of Exception in East Asia [특구: 국가의 영토성과 동아시아의 예외공간]. Seoul: Alt [알트]

Nicolau, M. and Shin, H.B. (2017) The Rio Olympic Games and socio-spatial injustice: Six months after the Games finale. OpenDemocracy.net, 7 March

Shin, H.B. (2017) How stubborn 'nail houses' take a stand against China's rapid urbanisation. The Conversation, 20 March

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2017) Planetary GentrificationMIT Displacement and Research Action Network (DRAN): Blog Symposium on New Directions in Displacement Research

Shin, H.B. (2017) Owning less and sharing together to inhabit. Small is Beautiful 255: 32-37 [In Korean: 신현방 (2017) 어떻게 덜 소유하고 함께 정주할 것인가. <작은 것이 아름답다> 255호, 32~37쪽]


Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2016) Planetary Gentrification. Cambridge: Polity Press

Shin, H.B., Lees, L. and López-Morales, E. (eds.) (2016) Locating gentrification in the Global East. Urban Studies 53(3)

López-Morales, E., Shin, H.B. and Lees, L. (eds.) (2016) Latin American gentrifications. Urban Geography 37(8)

Shin, H.B. (ed.) (2016) Developmental urbanisation and gentrification. Space and Society 26(3) [in Korean: <공간과 사회>, ‘발전주의 도시화와 젠트리피케이션특집호] ISSN: 1225-6706

Shin, H.B. (2016) Editorial review: Developmentalist urbanization, gentrification and the alliance of resistance. Space and Society 26(3): 5-14 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 편집의 글: 발전주의 도시화와 젠트리피케이션, 그리고 저항의 연대. <공간과 사회> 26(3): 5-14] ISSN: 1225-6706

Shin, H.B. (2016) China’s urbanization of capital and dispossession: The case of Guangzhou. Critical Review of History 116: 73-96 [In Korean: 신현방 (2016) 중국 개혁기 자본의 도시, 강탈의 도시로의 이행: 광주 사례를 중심으로. <역사비평> 통권116호 (가을호): 73-96쪽]

Shin, H.B. (2016) Spectacles urbains, méga-événements sportifs et inégalités en Chine. Alternatives Sud 23: 121-146. URL: http://www.cetri.be/Sport-et-mondialisation

López-Morales, E., Shin, H.B. and Lees, L. (2016) Introduction: Latin American gentrifications. Urban Geography 37(8): 1091-1108

Shin, H.B., Lees, L. and López-Morales, E. (2016) Introduction: Locating gentrification in the Global East. Urban Studies 53(3): 455-470

Shin, H.B. (2016) Economic transition and speculative urbanisation in China: Gentrification versus dispossession. Urban Studies 53(3): 471-489

Shin, H.B. and Kim, S-H. (2016) The developmental state, speculative urbanisation and the politics of displacement in gentrifying Seoul. Urban Studies 53(3): 540-559

Shin, H.B. (2016) La Economía Política de Urbananización Especulativa en Asia Oriental [The Political Economy of Speculative Urbanization in East Asia]. In: Alvarez, L, Delgado, G. and Leal, A. (eds.) Los Desafios de la Ciudad del Siglo XXI [The Challenges of Twenty First Century Cities]. Senado de la Republica / Ceiich-Puc-Pues, UNAM, Mexico, pp.421-438

Shin, H.B. (2016) Dreaming of a world without gentrification [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기]. In: Jeong, H-S. (ed.) Hannam Forum [한남 포럼]. Seoul: Takeout Drawing, pp.168-174

Shin, H.B. (2016) China meets Korea: the Asian Games, entrepreneurial local states and debt-driven development. In: Gruneau, R. and Horne, J. (eds.) Mega Events and Globalization: Capital and  Spectacle in a Changing World Order. Abingdon: Routledge, pp.186-205

Shin, H.B. (2016) Gentrification as a ‘disaster’: What can we do about it? [젠트리피케이션이라는 ‘재난’, 어떻게 극복할 것인가?] Proceedings of the Seongdong District Forum on Anti-Gentrification and Sustainable Urban Regeneration [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션 방지와 지속가능 도시재생을 위한 포럼], 27 May, Seoul: Seongdong District

Shin, H.B. (2016) Dreaming about a world without gentrification [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션 없는 세상 꿈꾸기]. The Hope Institute blog. 21 January [In Korean]

Shin, H.B. (2016) Gentrification: Whose city? [In Korean: 젠트리피케이션: 누구의 도시인가?] Coffee Vol.171 (March 2016), p46


Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) (2015) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement. Bristol: Policy Press

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Conclusion: Global gentrifications. In Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement, pp.441-452. Bristol: Policy Press

Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (2015) Introduction: 'Gentrification' - a global urban process? In Lees, L., Shin, H.B. and López-Morales, E. (Eds.) Global Gentrifications: Uneven Development and Displacement, pp.1-18. Bristol: Policy Press

Shin, H.B. (2015) Urbanization in China. In Wright, J. (ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd edition). Elsevier, pp.973-979 View the Word version

Shin, H.B. (2015) Combined Book Review: Samara, Tony R., He, Shenjing and Chen, Guo 2013 (eds.), Locating Right to the City in the Global South. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.; Erdi-Lelandais, G. 2014 (ed.) Understanding the City: Henri Lefebvre and Urban Studies. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 39(6): 1279-1282


Shin, H.B. (2014) Urban spatial restructuring, event-led development and scalar politics. Urban Studies 51(14): 2961-2978 View on the journal site  View Word Version

Shin, H.B. (2014) Contesting speculative urbanisation and strategising discontents. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. 18(4-5): 509-516 View on the journal site

  • Earlier draft available in Brekke, J.K., Dalakoglou, D., Filipdidis, C. and Vradis, A. (eds.) Crisis-scape: Athens and beyond. Athens: crisis-scape.net, pp.139-149

Shin, H.B. (2014) Elite vision before people: State entrepreneurialism and the limits of participation. In Altrock, U. and Schoon, S. (Eds.) Maturing Megacities: The Pearl River Delta in Progressive Transition. Springer, pp.267-285 View

Shin, H.B. (2014) Book review: A Middle Class without Democracy: Economic Growth and the Prospects for Democratization in China by Jie Chen. LSE Review of Books (17 April 2014) Blog entry


Shin, H.B. (2013) The right to the city and critical reflections on China's property rights activism. Antipode 45(5): 1167-1189 View on the journal site  View PDF

  • Read the journal's newsletter that includes the introduction to the paper

  • An earlier working version appeared as CASEpaper 156. The working version includes additional quantitative data not included in the final version of the above journal article

Li, B. and Shin, H.B. (2013) Intergenerational housing support between retired old parents and their children in urban China. Urban Studies 50(16): 3225-3242
Early view on the journal site  Download Word version

Shin, H.B. and Li, B. (2013) Whose Games? The costs of being "Olympic citizens" in Beijing. Environment and Urbanization 25(2): 549-566 View on the journal site  Download Word version

  • An earlier working version appeared as CASEpaper 163. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

Shin, H.B. (2013) China's speculative urbanism and the built environment. China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham.

Shin, H.B. (2013) Development and dissent in China's 'urban age'. OpenDemocracy.net

Shin, H.B. (2013) From Beijing to Rio: Whose Games?. LSE News and Media: Comment and Opinion

Shin, H.B. (2013) Book review: The New Asian City: Three-dimensional fictions of space and urban form by Jini Kim Watson. Environment and Planning C 31(5): 947-948

Book reviews for The KyungHyang Shinmun, a Korean daily newspaper


Shin, H.B. (2012) Unequal cities of spectacle and mega-events in China. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action 16(6): 728-744. View

Shin, H.B. (2012) Looking back and ahead: Lessons from the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games (London 2012 - Olympic Series) LSE Blog Series on the London Olympic Games.

Shin, H.B. (2012) Book review: Ghetto at the Center of the World: Chungking Mansions, Hong Kong by Gordon Mathews. LSE Review of Books.

Shin, H.B. (2012) Book review: The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China by You-tien Hsing. LSE Review of Books.


Shin, H.B. (2011) Vertical accumulation and accelerated urbanism: the East Asian experience. In Gandy, M. (Ed) Urban Constellations. Berlin, Jovis Publishers, pp.48-53. View

Shin, H.B. (2011) Right to the city and critical reflections on property rights activism in China’s urban renewal contexts. CASEpapers, CASE/156. Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, U.K.


Shin, H.B. (2010) Urban Conservation and Revalorisation of Dilapidated Historic Quarters: the Case of Nanluoguxiang in Beijing. Cities 27 (Supplement 1): S43-S54. View

Shin, H.B. (2010) Empowerment or marginalisation: Land, housing and property rights in poor neighbourhoods. In Wu, F. and Webster, C. (eds.) Marginalization in urban China: Comparative perspectives. Palgrave Macmillan. pp.112-130. View

Shin, H.B. (2010) A review of "Shanghai Pudong: Urban Development in an Era of Global-Local Interaction" by Y. Chen. International Journal of Housing Policy (formerly European Journal of Housing Policy) 10(1): 97-100. View


Shin, H.B. (2009) Residential redevelopment and entrepreneurial local state: The implications of Beijing's shifting emphasis on urban redevelopment policies. Urban Studies Vol.46 No.13, pp.2815-2839. View

  • An earlier working version appeared as ARC Working Paper No.22, London, Asia Research Centre, London School of Economics

Shin. H.B. (2009) Property-based redevelopment and gentrification: the case of Seoul, South Korea. Geoforum Vol.40 No.5, pp.906-917. View

Shin, H.B. (2009) Life in the shadow of mega-events: Beijing Summer Olympiad and its impact on housing. Journal of Asian Public Policy Vol.2 No.2, pp.122-141. View


Shin, H.B. (2008) Living on the edge: financing post-displacement housing in urban redevelopment projects in Seoul. Environment and Urbanization Vol.20 No.2, pp.411-426. View

Shin, H.B. (2008) Driven to swim with the tide? Urban redevelopment and community participation in China. CASE Discussion Paper series, CASEpaper No.130, London, Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, London School of Economics.


Shin, H.B. (2007) Residential redevelopment and social impacts in Beijing. In Wu, F. (ed.) China's emerging cities: The making of new urbanism. London, Routledge, pp.163-184. View

Seo, J.G., Shin, H.B. and Im, J.M. (2007) Study of the role of social enterprises in neighbourhood regeneration in the UK (영국의 사회적 기업 방식을 통한 지역재생 사례 연구). Seongnam, Housing and Urban Research Institute, Korea National Housing Corporation.

Shin, H.B. (2007) An interview with Anne Power: The role of communities in urban regeneration and social mix. Planning and Policy Vol.309, pp.85 - 97, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement

Shin, H.B. (2007) An interview with Fulong Wu: Understanding China's urban transformation in post-reform period. Planning and Policy Vol.305, pp.81 - 101, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlement


Shin, H.B. (2005) Changes in China's Social Welfare System during the Reform Period. Health and Welfare Forum Vol.104, pp.116-135. Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs.