2017- Associate Professor, Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
2014- 17 Post Major Review Assistant Professor, Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
2005-2014 Lecturer, Department of Information Systems – Department of Management, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
2002-2005 Temporary Lecturer, Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
2000-2002 Tutorial Fellow, Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK
1997-2000 Researcher at the Viktoria Research Institute, Gothenburg, Sweden
2012- Visiting Professor, Un-Merit (G-PAC2 Programme), Maastricht University, Netherland
2004-2005 Visiting, University IULM, Milan Italy
2001- 2004 Visiting Professor Theseus Institute, Sophia Antipolis, France
2003- 2006 Visiting, University of Verona (Master program in Knowledge Management)
1999-2001 Visiting at the MII (Master in Enterprise Innovation); University of Trento, Italy
1999-2002 Visiting Professor, HEC, Paris, France (Director of the executive program: e-mastering marketing in the digital era)
2001- 2003 Research Fellow, Dipartimento di Organizzazione e Sistema Politico, University of Bologna, Italy
Cordella, A., Paletti, A., "Government as a platform, orchestration, and public value creation: The Italian case". Government Information Quarterly , (2019)
Panagiotopoulos, P., Klievink, B. and Cordella, A. "Public value creation in digital government". Government Information Quarterly , (2019).
Cordella, A. and Paletti, A., “ICTs and value creation in public sector: manufacturing logic vs service logic”. Information Polity , (2018) 23(2), pp.125-141.
Cordella, A. and Cordella, T., Motivations, monitoring technologies, and pay for performance. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,(2017) 133 . pp. 236-255.
Cordella, A., Tempini, N. “E-government and organizational change: Reappraising the role of ICT and bureaucracy in public service delivery”, Government Information Quarterly , (2015) , vol.32 (3), pp. 279-286
Cordella, A., Hesse, J., “E-government in the making: an actor network perspective”, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, ( 2015) Vol. (1), pp.104 – 125.
Cordella, Willcocks, L. paper "Government Policy, Public Value and IT Outsourcing: The Strategic Case of ASPIRE", Journal of Strategic Information Systems (, 2012), vol 21 (4), December pp. 295-307
Cordella, A., Bonina, C. “A Public Value Perspective for ICT Enabled Public Sector Reforms: A theoretical reflection”, Government Information Quarterly (2012), vol. 29 (4), pp. 512-520
Cordella, A. “Standardization in Action”, Journal of Actor Network Theory and Technological Innovation (2011) Vol. 3(3), pp.49-64
Cordella, A., Iannacci,F. “Information systems in the Public Sector: the e-Government enactment framework ", Journal of Strategic Information Systems (2010), 19(1), pp. 52-66
Cordella, A., Willcocks, L. “Outsourcing, Bureaucracy and Public Value: Reappraising the notion of the “contract state””, Government Information Quarterly (2010) 27(1), pp. 82-88
Cordella, A. “Information Infrastructure: an actor network perspective”, Journal of Actor Network Theory and Technological Innovation (2010) Vol. 2 (1), pp.27-53
Cordella, A., Cornford, T., and Grillo F. “Evaluating monitoring systems in the European Social Fund (ESF) context”, Evaluation Review, Vol. 33 (5), pp. 419-445
Cordella, A. "E-government: towards the e-bureaucratic form?”, Journal of Information Technology, (2007) Vol 22, 265–274
Contini, F., Cordella A. "Information System and Information Infrastructure Deployment: the Challenge of the Italian e-Justice Approach" Electronic Journal of E- Government (2007), 5 (1)
Cordella, A. "Dal concetto di infrastruttura a quello di infrastruttura in azione" Studi Organizzativi (2006) Issue 1
Cordella, A. " Transaction Costs and Information Systems: Does IT Add Up?” Journal of Information Technology (2006) Vol. 21 (3), pp. 195-202
Cordella, A., De Michelis, G. "In ricordo di Claudio Ciborra" Studi Organizzativi (2006)
Barca, C., Cordella, A.; "Seconds out, round two: contextualizing e-government projects within their institutional milieu: a London Local Authority case" Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems (2006) Vol. 18 (1), pp. 37-60.
Cordella, A. "Actor Network Theory per lo studio dei sistemi informativi: dal concetto di infrastruttura a quello di infrastruttura in azione"Sinergie (2005).
Cordella, A. "From Italy to East London" European Journal of Information Systems (2005) Vol.14 (5), pp. 465-466.
Whitley, Edgar A.; Cordella, A.; Kallinikos, J.; (eds). "Personal reflections on Claudio Ciborra's life and work: special issue", European Journal of Information Systems (2005) Vol. 14 (5)
Cordella, A., Palletti, A. and Shaikh, M., Renegotiating public value with co-production. In: Creating and Capturing Value Through Crowdsourcing Tucci, C. and Afuah, A. and Viscusi , G., (eds.), Oxford University Press, (2018)
Contini, F., Cordella, A., “Law and Technology in Civil Judicial Procedures” in The Oxford Handbook of the Law and Regulation of Technology , Brownsword, R., Scotford, E., and Yeung, K. (ed.), Oxford University Press, (2016)
Cordella, A. “E-government success: how to account for ICT, administrative rationalization, and institutional change” in J. Ramon Gil-Garcia (ed.) E-Government Success Factors and Measures: Theories, Concepts, and Methodologies, (2013) IGI Global
Cordella, A “Transaction Costs and Information Systems: Does IT Add Up?; In , C.Avgerou et al (ed.) Bricolage, Care and Information Systems, (2009) Palgrave Macmillan
Rossignoli C., Mola L., Cordella A. “Reconfiguring interaction through the e-marketplace: a transaction cost theory based approach” in Dwivedi, J et al (ed.), Handbook of Research on Contemporary Theoretical Models in Information Systems, (2009) Information Science Reference (IGI Global).
Contini, F., Cordella A. ‘Italian Justice System and ICT: Matches and Mismatches between Technology and Organisation’ in Cerillo A. (ed.) ‘ E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System ’, (2008), IGI Publisher.
Cordella A., Willcocks, L. ‘E-Bureaucracy and the New Service Delivery State: Balancing Outsourcing and In-House Operations’ in Contini, F., Lanzara G., (ed) ‘I CT and Innovation in the Public Sector: European Perspectives in the Making of E-Government ’ (2008) Palgrave Macmillan)
Cordella, A. 'The role of information and communication technology in building trust in governance: Towards effectiveness and results.' In The knowledge economy in development: Perspectives for effective partnerships . Edited by Vitro, R. Inter-American Development Bank. Sustainable Development Department, 2005.
Contini, F., Cordella, A. 'Sistemi informative e infrastratture dell'informazioni: I limiti del caso italiano dell'e-justice.' In Lo studio dei sistemi informativi nelle organizzazioni: teoria e pressi . Edited by Cantoni, F. Angeli, 2005.
Cordella, Antonio; Simon, K. 'Infrastructure deployment: Global intent vs local adoption.' In From Control to Drift. Edited by Ciborra, C. Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 172-192
Cordella, A., Simon, K. 'Hierarchies, markets and networks in the talk society.' In Informatics in the next millennium. Edited by Ljungberg, F. Studentlitterature, 1999
Cordella, A. Willcocks, L. “Strategic IT outsourcing in the Public Sector: The ASPIRE Case” Forthcoming, The Professional Outsourcing Magazine
Cordella, A., Bonina, C. “E-Government State of the Art: background paper”, OECD 2010
Avgerou, C.; Ciborra, C.; Cordella, A.; Kallinikos, J; Smith, M. 'The role of information and communication technology in building trust in governance: Towards effectiveness and results.' Inter-American Development Bank. (2005).
Cordella, A. and Gualdi, F., 2019, Law, Technology and Policies: A Complex Negotiation To Generate Value. In Proceedings of the 2019 3rd International Conference on E-commerce, E-Business and E-Government (pp. 21-28). ACM.
Dodd, C. and Cordella, A., 2019, It Takes Two to Tango: Bringing Together Users and Artificial Intelligence to Create Public Value. In 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 389-397). ACM.
Cordella, A. and Paletti, A., 2017, June. Value creation, ICT, and co-production in public sector: bureaucracy, opensourcing and crowdsourcing. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (pp. 185-194). ACM.
Cordella, A., Paletti, A. and Shaikh, M., 2017, Public Value and Co-Production: Reconfiguring Service Delivery. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2017, No. 1, p. 10577). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Cordella, A, Bannister, F, Pryceck, P.;" Introduction Policies and Strategies for Digital Government Minitrack" Proceedings of the 2016 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Cordella, A, Bannister, F, Pryceck, P.;" Introduction Policies and Strategies for Digital Government Minitrack" Proceedings of the 2015 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Contini, F., Cordella, A., "Assembling law and technology in the public sector: the case of e-justice reforms". In Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, May (2015), (pp. 124-132). ACM.
Pryceck, P.; Bannister, F; Cordella, A.; " Introduction to Policies and Governance for the Network Society Minitrack" Proceedings of the 2014 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Contini, F., Cordella, A. “Socio Technical Regimes and e-government deployment: the case of the Italian Judiciary”, ECIS2012, Barcellona, ES
Bonina, C., Cordella, A., "The Internet and Public Bureaucracies: towards balancing competing values”, Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An Impact Assessment , Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, 16-17 September 2010
Cordella, A., J. Hesse, "E-government in the making: socio-economic development in the Akshaya project” Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Pretoria, South Africa, June (2010)
Bonina, C., Cordella, A., “Public sector and ICT: beyond the private sector rationale”, 3rd Latin and European Meeting on Organization Studies (LAEMOS), Sub-Theme 7: Innovating in times of crisis: Unique opportunities or further exploitation, disruption and downsizing?, Buenos Aires, April 7-10, 2010
Cordella, A., Willcocks, L. “ICTs, Marketization and Bureaucracy in the UK Public Sector: The ASPIRE contract”, Proceedings of fourth Global Sourcing Workshop, Zermat, Switzerland, March (2010)
Bonina, C., Cordella, A., “Public sector reforms and the notion of ‘public value’: implications for e-government deployment", Proceedings of the 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2009), San Francisco, Ca, 2009 *
Cordella, A., Mola, L., Rossignoli, C. "Software Market Configuration: A Socio-Technical Explanation", Proceedings ICIS (2009)
Cordella A., Huyskens, C., Loebbecke, C. "Inter-Organizational Knowledge Creation as Strategic Challenge: Concept and Cases" Proceedings of the Strategic Management society, (2009)
Bonina, C., Cordella A. “The new public management, e-government and the notion of 'public value': Lessons from Mexico” Proceedings of the AIS Special Interest Group on ICT and Global Development Workshop , Paris, December (2008)
Cordella A., C. Rossignoli, and L. Mola, "E-Marketplace and transaction cost theory: a possible interpretative analysis", Proceedings of European Conference on Information Systems , Goteborg, June (2006)
Cordella A., E. Scatolini “E-government and the problem of sense making: the case of an Italian public administration”, Proceedings European Group of Organizational Studies , Berlin, Germany (2005)
Contini, F., Cordella A. "Embedding technology in loosely coupled organisations: the case of the Italian Judiciary", Proceedings European Group of Organizational Studies , Berlin, Germany (2005)
Cordella, A. 'Standardization in action.' Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Turku, Finland, 14-16 June (2004).
Contini, F., Cordella, A. "Information system development in the Italian judicial systems: From automation to contextualization" Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Turku, Finland, 14-16 June (2004)
Barca, C., Cordella, A. "Seconds out, round two: Contextualizing e-government projects within their institutional milieu: a London local authority case" Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Turku, Finland, 14-16 June (2004)
Cordella, A. "Transaction costs and IT: Unfolding the last undiscovered issues" Proceedings AIDEA, Milano, Italy (2003)
Cordella A., Shaikh, M. "Actor network theory and after: What’s new for information systems research" Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Napoli, Italy, 19-21 June (2003)
Cordella, A., Grisot, M. "Distributed knowledge across boundaries" Proceedings European Academy of Management, Stockholm, Sweden (2002)
Cordella, A. "Knowledge production vs knowledge management: The case of pharmaceutical R&D" Proceedings European Academy of Management, Stockholm, Sweden (2002)
Cordella, A., Grisot, M. "Distributed knowledge across boundaries" Proceedings European Academy of Management, Stockholm, Sweden (2002)
Cordella, A. "A case study of standardization throughout IT: the combined effect of standardization in action and of the action on standardization" Proceedings International Conference of Management of Technology , Lausanne, Switzerland, (2001)
Cordella, A. "Does information technology always lead to lower transaction costs?" Proceedings European Conference on Information Systems , Bled, Slovenia, 27-29 June (2001)
2015 BTO £10.000 in scholarship for the winners of the Digital Innovation Challenge
2010 OECD, E-government indicators” (€7.000)
2009 Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice, “E-government best practices: Canada and Mexico” (£10.000)
2005-6 EU founded project "Evaluation of information systems and monitoring arrangements for the programs supported by the European Social Fund, Principal Investigator, (€50.000), with Tony Cornford
2005-6 European founded project AGIS on "ICT for Public Prosecutor's Offices", Principal Investigator, (£17.000), with Jannis Kallinikos
2004-5 "The Role of Information and Communication Technology in Building Trust in Governance: Towards Effectiveness and Results (Founded by IADB), Research Project Manager, Principal investigator (£79.000) With Claudio Ciborra, Chrisanthi Avgerou, and Jannis Kallinikos
HICSS 2020 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Maui, H, USA
HICSS 2019 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Maui, H, USA
HICSS 2018 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Waikoloa, H, USA
ICIS 2017 Trach Co-chair (e-commerce and E-government), Seoul, Korea
ICEGOV2017 International Conference on Theory and Practice in Electronic Governance, Programme Committee, New Delhi, India
HICSS 2017 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Waikoloa, H, USA
HICSS 2016 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Kauai, H, USA
ICEGOV2016 International Conference on Theory and Practice in Electronic Governance, Track Co-chair (Institutional Effectiveness and Responsiveness), Montevideo, Uruguay
HICSS 2015 Track Co-chair (Policies and Strategies for Digital Government), Kauai, H, USA
ICEGOV2014 International Conference on Theory and Practice in Electronic Governance, Track Co-chair (Citizen Empowerment), Guimaraes, Portugal
HICSS 2014 Track Co-chair (Policies and Government for the Network Society), Waikoloa, H, USA
ICEGOV2013 International Conference on Theory and Practice in Electronic Governance, Track Co-chair (Smart Government for Smart Industry), Soul, Korea
ICEGOV2012 International Conference on theory and Practice in Electronic Governance, Organising Committee, October 2012, University of Albany, US
European Conference on Information Systems 2009, Conference Organiser Co-chair, Verona, Italy
2019 “Digital justice to promote judicial values. A toolkit for action ”, XI Citizen Security Week, Inter American Developing Bank, Washinton, DC
2018 “Digital Jsutice: beyond the tehcnological transformation of the justice sector”, Inter American Developing Bank, Washinton, DC
2018 “Judiciary, change management, and technology innovation”, European Judicial Training Network, Nicosia, Cyprus
2015 “Social responsibility and Public value creation”, 3rd International Congress on Social Responsibility, Buenos Aires, Argentina
2015 “Smart City and Public Value Creation” 21st GCC Smart Gov and Smart Services Conference, Dubai
2015 “Digital Innovation: the strategic role of the IT executive”, CIO event organised by BTO, London, UK
2015 “Technology, Bureaucracy and Government: how technology re-composes administrative decentralization”, University of Warwick, UK
2014 "Is Electronic Governance Strengthening or Undermining Public Governance", talk to the plenary session of ICEGOV 2014
2013 “Public Value creation: the new challenge for e-government projects” Keynote speech at the European Conference on e-Government, 14 June
2013 “e-Government: what is the value of ICT?” seminar at the United Nation University, Macau
2012 “Ensuring public value in e-governance” at the Commonwealth Secretariat event “e-governance in Small States”, London, 12 November
2011 “E-government: have we forgotten of the public sector context?”, Think! Event c/o Italian Ministry of Innovation, October 2011
2011 Keynote speaker at the “E-governance workshop”, Maastricht University, Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT, June
2010 “The E-government enactment framework”, July, University of Albany
Associate Editor of Government Information Quarterly.
Guest Editor for the Government Information Quarterly Special issue on Public value creation in digital government , (2019).
Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Actor Network Theory and Technological Innovation.
Guest Editor for the Special issue on Personal Reflections on Claudio Ciborra's life and work. European Journal of Information Systems 14(5), (2005).
Studi Organizzativi: Gest Editor, issue 1, 2016.
Atsuko Okuda, supervisor, UNMERIT, University of Maastricht, NL
Cody Dodd, first supervisor, LSE
Andrea Paletti, first supervisor, LSE
Luiz Bautzer, supervisor, UNMERIT, University of Maastricht, NL (Graduated in 2016)
Bernard Nikaj, supervisor, UNMERIT, University of Maastricht, NL
Carla Bonina, co-supervised, LSE (Grauduated in 2012)