The London School of Economics and Political Science Geography & Environment
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Journal articles
Forthcoming “Uniquely Scottish? Placing Scottish devolution in theoretical perspective”, Environment and Planning C
2007 “Local economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa” (with Andrés Rodríguez-Pose), Environment and Planning C
Conference papers
2009 “Quantifying the de-territorialisation and re-territorialisation of the vote in the UK; the Gini coefficient as a measure of regionalisation” The 5th ECPR General Conference, Potsdam, 10-12 September 2009
2009 “Regional assemblies in England; Enriching the democratic scene or a waste of resources?”, ‘Excavating the Political Geographies of UK Devolution: Ten Years On’ session, RGS-IBG Annual Conference, Manchester, 26-28 August 2009
2008 “Devolution or constitutional deadlock; explaining the different experiences in Canada and the United Kingdom.”, PSA South-West conference, Bristol, 1 March 2008
2008 “Asymmetric devolution vs. constitutional deadlock; explaining the different trajectories in the United Kingdom and Canada”, peer-reviewed session at the fourth TransAtlantic Dialogue (4TAD) on ‘The status of Inter-Governmental Relations and Multi-Level Governance in Europe and the US’, Milan, 12 - 14 June 2008
2008 “Asymmetric devolution vs. constitutional deadlock; explaining the different trajectories in the United Kingdom and Canada”, peer-reviewed session at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, 27-29 August 2008
2006 “The process of devolution; the Scottish case”, peer-reviewed session at the European Regional Science Association Congress, Volos (Greece), 30 August - 3 September 2006