Vincent Kienzler - International development - Social Accountability - Performance measurement and management - Community monitoring

PhD Research

Does the use of quantified performance indicators contributes to social accountability? – Evidence from the Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation System in Uganda

Farmers trained in community monitoring, Amuria District.
Credit: Vincent Kienzler.

UDN Workshop in Amuria District

In recent years, development agencies have increasingly become interested in quantified forms of performance measurement (performance indicators) for public service delivery. It is widely believed that quantified performance measurement could and should be made available to the wider public so as to improve social accountability, provide strong incentives for government officials and civil servants to be more ‘efficient’ and thus challenge clientelism and patronage.

The implicit assumption of this approach to social accountability is that performance indicators are objective and neutral - that is to say that they accurately represent the ‘real’ quality of public services and are unbiased. Therefore, once published, they should provide unchallengable evidence that can be used by civil society to monitor and control public service provision. However, existing research on performance measurement in OECD countries has shown, on the contrary, that defining, informing and interpreting quantified performance indicators is a highly political process which is strongly influenced by power relationships.

Uganda Debt Member training community monitors.
Credit: Vincent Kienzler.

UDN Workshop in Amuria District

My research project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the dynamics which underpin the use of performance indicators for social accountability purposes. It will investigate to what extent the current faith in performance indicators as an essential tool for social accountability is backed by empirical evidence, and to better understand the social mechanisms through which such systems operate.

The research will consist of an analysis of one particular case of a social accountability initiative operating at the sub-county level in Uganda, the ‘Community-based Monitoring and Evaluation System’. This initiative consists of training and animating a network of community monitors (members of the local community) whose function is to monitor and control public service provision at the local level, using quantified performance indicators. My research will be based on in-depth qualitative interviews and direct observation of the work of selected community monitors, during 12 months of fieldwork.

Vincent Kienzler - International development - Social Accountability - Performance measurement and management - Community monitoring


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Contact details

Vincent Kienzler
Department of International Development
London School of Economics and Political Science
Houghton St
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom