The U.S. Tech Industry Needs China

16 May 2023TIME


China’s Economy Is Leaving Behind Its Educated Young People


The New York Times

How China Is Fighting the Chip War With America

27 Oct 2022The New York Times

The Guardian

China’s property market is in freefall. What does this mean for the world economy?

23 Aug 2022The Guardian

China says it's ditching growth targets. That could be good news for the world

01 Jun 2020The Guardian

FT Coverage

Bretton Woods at 75: the threats to global co-operation

10 Jul 2019The Financial Time

The Financial Times

The trade war with America is a strategic gift for China

Jan 2019 The Financial Times

China presses on America’s pain points in the trade war

July 2018 The Financial Times

A US trade war could propel China to hasten reforms at home

May 2018 The Financial Times

Europe should stop arguing and look to China

June 2012 The Financial Times

The Project Syndicate

Keyu Jin on Chinese regulation, innovation, finance, and more

23 May 2023The Project Syndicate

America Is Fueling Chinese Techno-Nationalism

24 Feb 2022The Project Syndicate

China Bets on Common Prosperity

04 Dec 2021The Project Syndicate

The Shape of China’s Recovery

04 Jan 2021The Project Syndicate

Is This China’s Global Leadership Moment?

03 Apr 2020The Project Syndicate

An Interview with Keyu Jin

28 Jan 2020The Project Syndicate

China’s 70 Years of Progress

30 Sep 2019The Project Syndicate

The Art of Wait and See

11 Jul 2019The Project Syndicate

What China Can Gain from Trump’s Trade War

26 Sep 2018The Project Syndicate

The West Is Wrong About China’s President

03 Apr 2018The Project Syndicate

What Does Xi Jinping Want?

03 Nov 2017The Project Syndicate

Taking the Politics Out of Development

11 May 2017The Project Syndicate

China’s Weapons of Trade War

22 Feb 2017The Project Syndicate

How China Views Trump

July 2014The Project Syndicate

Xi Jinping is No Mao Zedong

4 Aug 2016The Project Syndicate

Overhauling China

11 Feb 2016The Project Syndicate

China’s Two-Child Consumption Engine

5 Jan 2016The Project Syndicate

China’s Unwilling Consumers

11 Nov 2015The Project Syndicate

China’s Jobless Growth Miracle

1 June 2015The Project Syndicate

China’s Reform Stalemate

26 Jan 2015The Project Syndicate

China’s Vicious Growth Circle

16 Oct 2014The Project Syndicate

China’s Consumer Babies

27 Nov 2013The Project Syndicate

Why Are Savings Patterns So Different?

14 Sept 2012The Project Syndicate

Why Capital Flows Uphill

26 jan 2012 The Project Syndicate.