Dong Lou
    Professor of Finance (on leave)
    CEPR Research Fellow
    London School of Economics
    Houghton Street
    London WC2A 2AE
    Office: MAR 8.09
    Email: d.lou AT
    Phone: +44 (0)2071075360

[Curriculum Vitae]


A Flow-Based Explanation for Return Predictability, 2012
    Review of Financial Studies, 25, 3457-3489 (Internet Appendix)
    Lead Article

Complicated Firms (with Lauren Cohen), 2012
    Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 383-400
Winner of First Prize, Crowell Memorial Award for Best Paper in Quantitative Investments, 2011
Winner of Best Paper Prize, the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP) Forum, 2010
Winner of Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (INQUIRE UK) Grant, 2010
Winner of First Prize, Istanbul Stock Exchange 25th Anniversary Best Paper Competition, 2010
Winner of Paul Woolley Center (UTS) Academic Grant, 2010

Anticipated and Repeated Shocks in Liquid Markets (with Hongjun Yan and Jinfan Zhang), 2013
    Review of Financial Studies, 26, 1891-1912
    Winner of NASDAQ OMX Award for Best Paper on Asset Pricing, Western Finance Association, 2011

Attracting Investor Attention through Advertising, 2014
    Review of Financial Studies, 27, 1797-1829

Industry Window Dressing (with Huaizhi Chen and Lauren Cohen), 2016
    Review of Financial Studies, 29, 3354-3393 (Internet Appendix)

A Tug of War: Overnight vs. Intraday Expected Returns (with Christopher Polk and Spyros Skouras), 2019
Journal of Financial Economics, 134, 192-213 (Internet Appendix)

Offsetting Disagreement and Security Prices (with Shiyang Huang, Byoung-Hyoun Hwang, and Chengxi Yin), 2020
Management Science, 66, 3295-3798 (Internet Appendix)

IQ from IP: Simplifying Search in Portfolio Choice (with Huaizhi Chen, Lauren Cohen, Umit Gurun, and Christopher Malloy), 2020
Journal of Financial Economics, 138, 118-137
Winner of First Prize, Crowell Memorial Award for Best Paper in Quantitative Investments, 2018

Casting Conference Calls (with Lauren Cohen and Christopher Malloy), 2020
Management Science, 66, 4921-5484 (Internet Appendix)
    Winner of First Prize, Crowell Memorial Award for Best Paper in Quantitative Investments, 2014

The Rate of Communication (with Shiyang Huang and Byoung-Hyoun Hwang), 2021
    Journal of Financial Economics, 141, 533-550 (Internet Appendix)

Informed Trading in Government Bond Markets (with Robert Czech, Shiyang Huang, and Tianyu Wang), 2021
Journal of Financial Economics, 142, 1253-1274 (Internet Appendix)
    Winner of Best Paper Award, China International Conference in Finance, 2019

Comomentum: Inferring Arbitrage Activity from Return Correlations (with Christopher Polk), 2022
Review of Financial Studies, 35, 3272–3302 (Internet Appendix)
    Finalist for AQR Insight Award, 2014
    Winner of Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (Q Group) Grant, 2012
    Winner of Institute for Quantitative Investment Research (INQUIRE Europe) Grant, 2012

Ripples into Waves: Trade Networks, Economic Activity, and Asset Prices (with Jeffery Chang, Huancheng Du, and Christopher Polk), 2022
   Journal of Financial Economics, 145, 217-238 (Internet Appendix)

Wealth Redistribution in Bubbles and Crashes (with Li An and Donghui Shi), 2022
   Journal of Monetary Economics, 126, 134-153 (Internet Appendix)
   Winner of Best Paper Award, China Financial Research Conference, 2019

The Booms and Busts of Beta Arbitrage (with Shiyang Huang, Xin Liu, and Christopher Polk), 2023
   Management Science, forthcoming (Internet Appendix)
    Winner of Quantitative Management Initiative (QMI) Grant, 2013
    Winner of Europlace Institute of Finance Research Grant, 2013

The Drivers and Implications of Retail Margin Trading (with Jiangze Bian, Zhi Da, Zhiguo He, Kelly Shue, and Hao Zhou), 2024
Journal of Finance, forthcoming
    Winner of Best Paper Award in Asset Pricing, SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific, 2017
    Winner of Best Paper Award, China Financial Research Conference, 2016

Working Papers

An Anatomy of Long-Short Equity Funds (with Li An, Shiyang Huang, and Jiahong Shi), 2023
Internet Appendix)

Bond Supply, Yield Drifts, and Liquidity Provision Before Macroeconomic Announcements (with Gabor Pinter and Semih Uslu), 2024

Inferring Mutual Fund Intra-Quarter Trading: An Application to ESG Window Dressing (with Li An, Shiyang Huang, Xudong Wen, and Mingxin Xu), 2024

Relative Basis and the Expected Returns of Commodity Futures (with Ming Gu, Wenjin Kang, and Ke Tang), 2024

Superstar Firms and College Major Choice (with Darwin Choi and Abhiroop Mukherjee), 2024
(Internet Appendix; SurveyMonkey Questions)

The Day Destroys the Night, Night Extends the Days: A Clientele Perspective on Equity Premium Variation (with Christopher Polk and Spyros Skouras), 2024

The Effect of Advisors’ Incentives on Clients’ Investments (with Diego Battiston, Jordi Blanes-Vidal, and Rafael Hortala-Vallve), 2024

Unintended Consequences of Holding Dollar Assets (with Robert Czech, Shiyang Huang, and Tianyu Wang), 2023

Last updated: July 2024 | Visits since July 2009: