Daniel M. Sturm

Professor of Economics
London School of Economics
Contact Details:
Department of Economics
London School of Economics
Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE
United Kingdom

Tel: +44-20-7955 7522
d.m.sturm [at] lse.ac.uk
32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, Room 2.25
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 17:00 to 18:30
Book a slot on the LSE Student Hub
Research Interests:
International Trade, Economic Geography, Urban Economics, and Political Economy


Journal Articles
"The Impact of Public Employment: Evidence from Bonn," with Sascha Becker and Stephan Heblich, Journal of Urban Economics, 122, March 2021, 103291. [paper] [appendix]
"The Making of the Modern Metropolis: Evidence from London," with Stephan Heblich and Steve Redding, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 135(4), November 2020, 2059-2133. [paper] [appendix] [data]
"The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall" with Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Steve Redding and Niko Wolf, Econometrica, 83(6), November 2015, 2127-2189. [paper] [supplement] [data]
"Term Limits and Electoral Accountability," with Michael Smart, Journal of Public Economics, 107, November 2013, 93-102. [paper]
"History and Industry Location: Evidence from German Airports," with Steve Redding and Niko Wolf, Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(3), August 2011, 814-831. [paper] [appendix] [data]
"Political Competition, Policy and Growth: Theory and Evidence from the United States," with Tim Besley and Torsten Persson, Review of Economic Studies, 77(4), October 2010, 1329-1352. [paper] [data]
"The Costs of Remoteness: Evidence from German Division and Reunification," with Steve Redding, American Economic Review, 98(5), December 2008, 1766-1797. [paper] [appendix] [data]
"How Elections Matter: Theory and Evidence from Environmental Policy," with John List, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(4), November 2006, 1249-1281. [paper] [data]
"Product Standards, Trade Disputes, and Protectionism," Canadian Journal of Economics, 39(2), May 2006, 564-581. [paper]
"Environment and Trade: The Implications of Imperfect Information and Political Economy," with Alistair Ulph, World Trade Review, 1(3), November 2002, 235-256. [paper]
Book Chapters
"Trade and the Environment: A Survey of the Literature," in Environmental Policy in an International Perspective," Laura Marsiliani, Michael Rauscher and Cees Withagen (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003, 119-149. [paper]
Working Papers and Work in Progress
"Estimating Neighbourhood Effects: Evidence from Wartime Destruction in London," with Steve Redding. [paper] [appendix]
"The Geography of Life: Evidence from Copenhagen," with Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Ismir Mulalic and Caterina Soto Vieira. [abstract] [slides]
"Applying the Quantitative Urban Model to Cities in Developing Countries," with Kohei Takeda and Tony Venables. [slides]
"War-Time Destruction and the Persistence of Economic Activity," with Daniela Glocker. [slides]
Retired Working Papers
"The Trade Liberalisation Effects of Regional Trade Agreements," with Volker Nitsch. [paper] [appendix]
"Choosing How to Compete: Is Environmental Policy the Optimal Instrument?" [paper]
Policy Contributions
"The Making of the Modern Metropolis: Evidence from London," with Stephan Heblich and Steve Redding, CentrePiece, Spring 2019. [pdf]
"The Making of the Modern Metropolis: Evidence from London," with Stephan Heblich and Steve Redding, VoxEU, October 2018. [link]
"The Economics of Density: Evidence from the Berlin Wall," with Gabriel Ahlfeldt, Steve Redding, and Nikolaus Wolf, VoxEU, August 2014. [link]
"Location, Location, Location," with Steve Redding, CentrePiece, 10(2), Summer 2005, pp. 19 - 23. [pdf]
"A lot of Hot Air? The Kyoto Protocol and Emissions Trading," CentrePiece, 3(2), Summer 1998, pp. 23 - 26. [pdf]


Methods of Economic Policy Analysis (PP419)  
Micro and Macro Economics for Public Policy (PP440)  
Economics in Public Policy (EC230)  
International Economics for Research Students (EC532)  
Empirical Methods for Public Policy (PP455E)  
Introduction to Statistics for Public Policy  
(All teaching material is on LSE Moodle)