- Top researcher worldwide in the Stanford/Elsevier list of the 2% most cited scientists in the field of urban and regional planning.
- Highly Cited Researcher in Clarivate's Web of Science 2020, 2021 and 2022 lists.
- Although there are many potential ways of assessing scientific impact, citation counts are increasingly becoming a dominant measure of impact in academic circles.
- Several databases that specialise in citation counts have made citation tracking easier. This site reports what are arguably the three main citation databases: the Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge Social Science Citation index, Elsevier’s Scopus, and Google Scholar.
- For each dataset, either the relevant link or the total citation count, the evolution of citations and the h-index is provided.
- As an economic geographer, Andrés' work reaches across disciplinary boundaries. This means that it also features prominently in other disciplines' rankings, such as the main economists' ranking, Ideas-RePEc.
- In Ideas-RePEc he ranks in the top 100 academic economists worldwide for the last ten years and among the top 5 economists in the United Kingdom, in the same classification.
- He is also among the top 15 economists in the world in the following economic fields:
- A partial way of measuring the impact of research in society is by looking at how much a scholar's work features in the press. Andrés' work has been frequently discussed in the international press, as well as in numerous blogs.
- A sample of the articles in worldwide newspapers featuring his research include:
- Post-Brexit UK will need all its growth engines firing
- by Martin Wolf (24 January 2021)
- How to make cities more liveable after Covid-19
- by Martin Sandbu (23 November 2020)
- US elections: America’s mutating polarisation
- by Martin Sandbu (5 November 2020)
- The everyone economy: how to make capitalism work for all
- by Martin Sandbu (3 July 2020)
- Why Germany has no gilet jaunes protesters
- (9 February 2019)
- Let them fly
- (8 November 2014)
- A city’s fortunes are not set in stone. Look at modern Madrid
- by Torsten Bell (9 August 2020)
- Britain might look to Germany to heal the north-south divide
- by Torsten Bell (2 August 2020)
- $2tn debt crisis threatens to bring down 100 US cities
- by Elena Moya (20 December 2010)
- Local authorities face credit crunch amid European debt crisis
- by Elena Moya (21 November 2010)
- After the flood: European cities on the edge of a debt crisis
- by Elena Moya (23 May 2010)
- There’s a Reason Trump Loves the Truckers
- by Thomas B. Edsall (16 February 2022)
- Bilingual Nationhood, Canadian-Style
- by Chrystia Freeland (25 December 2014)
- Family ties
- by Frank Jacobs (17 July 2012)
- The economics of secession
- by Ilya Somin (31 August 2015)
- Industry clusters: The modern-day snake oil
- by Vivek Wadhwa (15 July 2011)
- Should Government Help People Or Places?
- by Adam Millsap (7 September 2018)
- How the 'Places That Don't Matter' Fueled Populism
- by Leonid Bershidsky (8 February 2018)
- The Real Reason Creative Workers Are Good for the Economy
- by Richard Florida (13 September 2013)
- Cities Are Innovative Because They Contain More Ideas to Steal
- by Eric Jaffe (12 June 2013)
- The Myth That Urbanization Means Prosperity
- by Richard Florida (16 December 2017)
- When Rich Places Want to Secede
- by Steven Johnson (28 October 2017)
- Rich Catalonia Embraces Chance to Go It Alone
- by Jon Sindreu and Mike Bird (2 October 2017)
- El anticuerpo social
- by Víctor Lapuente (14 February 2022)
- La metamorfosis de la economía que deja la covid
- by Carmen Sí¡nchez-Silva (26 September 2021)
- La batalla para superar la despoblacií³n
- by Pablo Allende (15 June 2021)
- Polarizacií³n: cí³mo la sociedad de trincheras carcome el progreso econí³mico
- by Miguel íngel García Vega (13 June 2021)
- Why I voted for Vox
- by Guillermo Abril (21 February 2021)
- La polarizacií³n se revela como un factor de riesgo en la pandemia
- by Javier Salas (8 January 2021)
- ¿Se beneficia Madrid del efecto capitalidad?
- by Jesíºs Sérvulo Gonzí¡lez (27 November 2020)
- Una política industrial capaz de transformar la Espaí±a pos-Covid
- by Eva Arrilucea (16 October 2020)
- La tensií³n política en Cataluí±a propicia el ‘sorpasso’ econí³mico de Madrid sobre Barcelona
- by Cristian Segura (1 September 2020)
- La filosofía de las pasiones de Carlota Casiraghi revoluciona el Hay Festival
- by Juan Carlos Galindo (21 September 2019)
- La Europa del descontento
- by Mariangela Paone (16 May 2019)
- Los expertos piden “erradicar la corrupcií³n†para crecer
- by Ignacio Zafra (18 November 2014)
- Del 'café para todos' a la voladura controlada
- by Milagros Pérez Oliva (19 April 2012)
- La crisis, mí¡s cerca de usted
- editorial (26 December 2010)
- Las autonomías necesitan corsé
- by Alejandro Bolaí±os (18 April 2010)
- La economía europea necesita inmigrantes
- by Amaya Iríbar (27 April 2003)
- Historia de dos ciudades: cí³mo Madrid dejí³ atrí¡s a Barcelona
- by Sol Acuí±a (6 September 2021)
- Madrid 8 Barcelona 2
- by Arcadi Espada (19 August 2020)
- El cabreo rural: del 'Brexit' y Trump... a Vox
- by Quico Alsedo (28 Abril 2019)
- ¿Qué estí¡ lastrando la competitividad de la economía valenciana?
- by Francisco Alvarez (19 November 2014)
- Los expertos recomiendan fusionar municipios y redefinir las diputaciones
- by Marcos Nebreda (2 October 2011)
- Predicciones falsas que nos creímos en el confinamiento
- by Beatriz Lí³pez Echazarreta (23 October 2021)
- ¿Pedirí¡n perdí³n?
- by Sergi Doria (12 September 2020)
- Madrid es la gran aspiradora de la migracií³n entre comunidades
- by Alexis Rodríguez-Rata (17 January 2022)
- La advertencia de la Reina Roja
- by Carles Casajuana (5 October 2020)
- Espaí±a, cuarta economía europea, ¿y siempre periférica?
- by Alexis Rodríguez-Rata (19 May 2020)
- Visií³n de Europa desde la Espaí±a vacía
- by Ignacio Orovio (22 September 2019)
- Lugares que no importan
- by Ramí³n Aymerich (27 April 2019)
- Eficacia sector píºblico y erradicar corrupcií³n, entre factores competitividad
- by Francisco Alvarez (18 November 2014)
- Nacionalismo ví¶lkisch y sociología kitsch
- by Germí Bel (14 January 2014)
- Barcelona, ¿una ciudad menguante?
- by Jaume V. Aroca (13 February 2012)
- El conflicto social y político en Catalunya frena el impulso econí³mico de Barcelona
- by José Luis Roca (7 September 2020)
- “Rodríguez-Pose: “La política europea de I+D no beneficia a regiones como Asturiasâ€
- by J.L.S. (10 November 2021)
- “Donde los gobiernos han ido de la mano la epidemia ha ido mejorâ€
- by Elena Ferní¡ndez-Pello (20 December 2020)
- ¿Es Espaí±a el país mí¡s polarizado de Europa?
- by Ana Alonso (21 March 2021)
- La ira global contra el confinamient0
- by Ana Alonso (31 January 2021)
- Un héroe de la retirada para Cataluí±a
- by José Antonio Zarzalejos (12 September 2020)
- Tres teorías para explicar por qué a Madrid le ha salido un cinturí³n verde
- by Alfredo Pascual (13 November 2019)
- Espaí±a es un gigante empresarial con pies de barro
- by Nieves D. Amil (14 April 2008)
- Wo die Gesellschaft gespalten ist, sterben mehr Menschen an Covid-19
- by Julia Merlot (12 January 2021)
- Was Corona fí¼r GroíŸstí¤dte bedeutet
- by Jens Sí¼delkum (29 September 2020)
- Europa braucht weniger Alleingí¤nge Deutschlands
- by Jí¼rgen GroíŸmann (21 May 2019)
- Woher kommt der EU-Verdruss?
- by Andreas Ross (25 January 2019)
- Ignoriert den Osten!
- by Mark Schieritz (13 June 2019)
- Aprí¨s les élections, quels sont les nouveaux clivages européens?
- by Thomas Wieder et al. (15 June 2019)
- Pourquoi l'Europe innove moins que les Etats-Unis
- by Régis Chevanaz (16 May 2012)
- Retrouver la bonne clef pour relancer la croissance
- by Eric Le Boucher (29 November 2013)
- Elezioni, la vendetta dei luoghi dimenticati
- by Filippo Barbera (17 March 2018)
- Serve un capitalismo di comunití
- by Mario Calderini (28 July 2020)
- Quei piccoli Comuni che aiutano l’Italia a diventare grande
- by Giangiacomo Schiavi (4 July 2019)
- Come uscire dalla trappola del sottosviluppo
- by Gaetano Fausto Esposito (14 Febbraio 2022)
- La rivincita delle aree "marginali" e la fine delle grandi cittí ?
- by Guido Castelli (9 June 2020)
- Distriktspolitikk angí¥r alle
- by Jonas Stein (12 December 2020)
- Einsam og í¥leine? Gode arenaer for samhandling er avgjerande
- by Marte C. W. Solheim (11 April 2022)
- Stagnasjonsfella og veljarane sin sure hemn
- by Jan Zahl (10 November 2021)
- Kí¥kí¥nomics prega av korona og í¸konomisk krise
- by Jan Zahl (18 October 2020)
- Revenge of the places that don’t matter
- by Gí¼ven Sak (7 November 2020)
- Bowling yerine Trump’la golfe
- by Gí¼ven Sak (16 November 2020)
- WIRE Conference 2020: Innovations are Grounds to Economic Progress
- (9 November 2020)
- Polarizaí§í£o política provocou aumento de mortes por covid, diz estudo
- (19 January 2021)
- Atencií³n a las zonas rezagadas
- by Erick Dorrejo (13 December 2020)
- Resalta trascendencia territorio en políticas píºblicas
- (16 December 2020)
- Is decentralization a panacea for development?
- by Vivin R. Nair (23 August 2020)
- Business clusters 'irrelevant' for innovation, study finds
- by Naomi Powell (18 March 2011)
- Ken Early: Sad truth is Messi has become a problem for Barcelona
- by Ken Early (17 August 2020)
- Storbyer i Europa og USA er truet af í¸konomisk kollaps
- by Rikke Brunsgaard Andersen (21 December 2010)
- Descentralizar es transferir facultades y recursos
- by Rosa Zamora (9 August 2015)
- Terapia de rehabilitacií³n para los innovadores compulsivos
- by Sebastií¡n Campanario (17 April 2016)
- Tureckie nierí³wnosci, czyli bogaty Zachí³d i ubogi Wschí³d
- by Rafal Wos (25 October 2020)
- In addition, Rodríguez-Pose's research has been covered by the press in the following countries:
- USA: New York Times, Washington Post, The Atlantic Cities, 48 Hills, Richmond Times, Fair Observer, Wichita Voice for Liberty, Global Carolina Business Journal, City Lab, American Prospect, Univisií³n, Daily Beast, Daily Yonder, Brooklyn Rail, Quartz, AFK Insider
- Canada: Toronto Globe and Mail, the New Brunswick Telegraph, New Brunswick Business Journal
- Spain: El Mundo, El País, Cinco Días, Expansií³n, ABC, La Razí³n, La Vanguardia, Levante, El Perií³dico de Catalunya, RTVE, El Correo Gallego, El Economista, Política Exterior, Newtral, La Nueva Espaí±a, El Norte de Castilla, La Opinií³n, Ideal de Granada, Diario Sur, La Rioja, Vozpí³puli, Libertad Digital, La Informacií³n, El Diario del Puerto, Libre Mercado, Crí³nica Globalm Galicia Diario, Diario Montaí±és, Xornal de Galicia, Ara, Diari de Tarragona, Noticias de Gipuzcoa, Valencia Plaza, The Objective, Finanzas
- Norway: Stavanger Aftenblad, Bergens Tidende, Fí¦drelandsvennen, Dagens Ní¦ringsliv, Agderposten, í˜konomisk Rapport, Sunnmí¸rsposten, Rosenkilden, Dagbladet, VG, Khrono
- UK: The Guardian, The Observer, Bloomberg, Western Mail, About Manchester, Civil Service World, Trust
- France: Nouvel Observateur, Les í‰chos, Le Nouvel Economiste,
- Italy: Il Tempo, Il Messaggero, Blitz Quotidiano, il Post, Startmag,, Econopoly, AGI, SKY TG24, Rivista Africa
- Ireland: FinFacts Ireland
- Australia: Sydney Morning Herald
- Denmark: Politiken
- Finland: Helsingin Sanomat, Tyrví¤í¤n Sanomat, Lempí¤í¤lí¤n-Vesilahden Sanomat, Maaseudun Tulevaisuus
- Belgium: RTBF, Express
- Poland: Wyborcza, Krytyka Polityczna, Wrota Podlasia, Biznes, Kurzy,
- Portugal: Observador, Abril
- Colombia: El Espectador, El Mostrador
- Argentina: Clarín, ArgenPress
- Brazil: Diario do Grande ABC, Jornal de Jundiaí, Exame
- Dominican Republic: El Nuevo Diario
- Chile: Diario Concepcií³n
- Uruguay: El País Uruguay
- Mexico: Televisa
- Bulgaria: Capital
- Romania: Hotnews, Ziare
- Israel: Jerusalem Post
- Turkey: Beyaz Gazete
- Greece: Liberal, Capital, Insider
- Georgia: The Financial
- Vietnam: Taichinh




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