research organized by topic
alan manning's research organized by topic
almost 10 years spent pursuing the idea that labour markets are best thought of as monopsonistic as a wage cut of a cent does not call all workers instantaneously to leave the employer.
culminating in the now published book
, princeton university press.
research into imperfectly competitive/monopsonistic labour markets.
my work on job polarization that has turned out to be thought of as more interesting than i expected
more papers on minimum wages than could possibly be justified by the importance of the subject.
jumping on the bandwagon of those doing research on immigration, but not just about the economics
too few papers on the female labour market given the importance and neglect of the subject.
papers from projects about low-wage labour markets that were going to be about the minimum wage but it was either not introduced or set at too low a level.
over the years, papers on the determinants of variations in unemployment.
a rag-bag of papers on labour taxes, redistribution and housing subsidies
hard to believe, i know, but some papers in pidgin econometrics on instrumental variables
when the uk had trade unions, i used to write papers ostensibly about them.
i started out when implicit contracts were fashionable but (rightly) no-one cares very much any more.