1 |
25 Sep |
Principles of Relativity |
Preface / Lecture 1 Further Reading: Einstein (1905), "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies", Norton, Einstein's pathway to special relativity, and Brown vs Norton on how thought experiments work. |
DQ-1 |
2 |
2 Oct |
Simultaneity |
Lecture 2.1 and 2.2 Optional: Cosmic Rays and Is special relativity paradoxical? Newton's views on space, time and motion, Newton's General Scholium, Pooley (2012) Substantivalist and relationalist approaches to spacetime |
DQ-2 |
3 |
09 Oct |
Spacetime |
Lecture 3.1, 3.2, Philosophical Morals (parts 6-7 only), and Curtis and Robson (2016) "Incompatibility" Further Reading for Essays:
DQ-3 Choose a Topic for Formative Essay 1 |
4 |
16 Oct |
Verificationism and E=mc2 |
Lecture 4.1 and 4.2 (Section 3 only, Verificationism), and 4.3 Optional:
DQ-4 |
5 |
23 Oct |
Curvature |
Lecture 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 Optional: 4D Spacetime, Miegakure, Euclidean geometry, Spaces of constant curvature |
DQ-5 |
6 |
30 Oct |
Gravity |
Lecture 6.1, 6.2 Optional: Einstein's pathway to general relativity |
DQ-6 Formative Essay Due: Mon, 30 Oct by 2pm |
7 |
6 Nov |
Time travel and Geometry |
Lecture 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 (Conventionality of Metrical Geometry only) Optional:
DQ-7 Choose a Topic for Summative Essay 1 |
8 |
13 Nov |
Big Bang Cosmology |
8.1 and 8.2 Optional: Gödel, 'A remark about the relationship between relativity theory and idealistic philosophy', Stephen Hawking: Must there have been a big bang? and The Earth vs The Universe Scale
DQ-8 |
9 |
20 Nov |
Black Holes |
Lecture 9.1 and 9.2 Optional: Curiel and Bokulich, "Singularities and Black Holes", Roberts, "Notes on notes on holes" |
DQ-9 |
10 |
27 Nov |
Einstein's Pathway |
Lecture 10.1 and 10.2 Optional: Norton, 'Why thought experiments do not transcend empiricism', Brown, 'Why thought experiments transcend empiricism', and Einstein as the Greatest of the Nineteenth Century Physicists |
DQ-10 |
11 |
04 Dec |
Reading Week (No Lecture) |
Summative Essay 1 Due: Mon, 04 Dec by 3pm |
LT |
04 Jan |
No Lecture |
Summative Essay 2 Due: Thu, 04 Jan by 3pm |