Wk Date Topic Reading Due Discussion Questions
1 25 Sep Principles of Relativity Preface / Lecture 1
Further Reading: Einstein (1905), "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies", Norton, Einstein's pathway to special relativity, and Brown vs Norton on how thought experiments work.
2 2 Oct Simultaneity Lecture 2.1 and 2.2
Optional: Cosmic Rays and Is special relativity paradoxical? Newton's views on space, time and motion, Newton's General Scholium, Pooley (2012) Substantivalist and relationalist approaches to spacetime
3 09 Oct Spacetime Lecture 3.1, 3.2, Philosophical Morals (parts 6-7 only), and Curtis and Robson (2016) "Incompatibility"
Further Reading for Essays:
Choose a Topic for Formative Essay 1
4 16 Oct Verificationism and E=mc2 Lecture 4.1 and 4.2 (Section 3 only, Verificationism), and 4.3
5 23 Oct Curvature Lecture 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Optional: 4D Spacetime, Miegakure, Euclidean geometry, Spaces of constant curvature
6 30 Oct Gravity Lecture 6.1, 6.2
Optional: Einstein's pathway to general relativity
Formative Essay Due: Mon, 30 Oct by 2pm
7 6 Nov Time travel and Geometry Lecture 7.1, 7.2, and 7.3 (Conventionality of Metrical Geometry only)
Choose a Topic for Summative Essay 1
8 13 Nov Big Bang Cosmology 8.1 and 8.2
Optional: Gödel, 'A remark about the relationship between relativity theory and idealistic philosophy', Stephen Hawking: Must there have been a big bang? and The Earth vs The Universe Scale
9 20 Nov Black Holes Lecture 9.1 and 9.2
Optional: Curiel and Bokulich, "Singularities and Black Holes", Roberts, "Notes on notes on holes"
10 27 Nov Einstein's Pathway Lecture 10.1 and 10.2
Optional: Norton, 'Why thought experiments do not transcend empiricism', Brown, 'Why thought experiments transcend empiricism', and Einstein as the Greatest of the Nineteenth Century Physicists
11 04 Dec Reading Week (No Lecture) Summative Essay 1 Due: Mon, 04 Dec by 3pm
LT 04 Jan No Lecture Summative Essay 2 Due: Thu, 04 Jan by 3pm