Active              Passive                 Published                 Unpublished 



Active Projects

Decentralized Bargaining and Renegotiation
Partial Draft Available Upon Request

with Elliott

The paper presents a decentralized model of bargaining in assignment economies. Bargaining is non-cooperative, fully decentralized, and in Markov strategies. The key innovation consist in players having the option to renegotiate existing agreements. The main result establishes that when offers can be renegotiated and players are patient, efficient stationary equilibria always exist. This contrasts with much of the literature which has shown that bargaining may have to be inefficient in any stationary equilibrium when renegotiation is impossible.

Multi-Option Mechanism Design
Partial Draft Available Upon Request  

The paper considers mechanism design in setting in which agreement can be reached on one of many options. Results characterize the optimal mechanism and establish how revenue and surplus are affected by changes in the distribution of types.

Differentiated Durable Goods Competition
Partial Draft Available Upon Request

with Schiraldi

The paper establishes why market-entry and competition can increase the profit of an incumbent when the products sold by the entrant are differentiated. The results are developed for Markovian equilibria and do not rely on collusive strategies as in the seminal paper by Gul 1987. Instead, the result shows that the presence of a competitor may actually diminish the undercutting motive of the incumbent when product are suitably differentiated. We the apply these insights to product design model and show why durability can reduce product differentiation and increase efficiency to some extent.


Passive Projects 

Jointly Pricing Durable and Non-Durable Goods  
Credit Networks and Systemic Risk  
Influence Networks and Product Differentiation  
A Dynamic Theory of Conflict with Szentes



Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly
American Economic Review 2019 (Forthcoming)

with Schiraldi

Paper Slides Extra  
Decentralized Bargaining in Matching Markets
Theoretical Economics 2019

with Elliott

Paper Slides Extra  
Repeated Games and Networks
Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks 2016


Paper Slides  
Efficiency in Decentralized Oligopolistic Markets
Journal of Economic Theory 2015


Paper Slides Extra  
Sales and Collusion in a Market with Storage
Journal of the European Economics Association 2014

with Schiraldi

Efficiency in Repeated Games with Uncertain Local Monitoring
Theoretical Economics 2014

with Piccione

Paper Slides Extra  
Resale & Collusion in a Dynamic Market for Semidurable Goods
Journal of Industrial Economics 2012

with Schiraldi



Unpublished Projects 

Joint Commitment


Strategic Voting in Quorum Rules with Disclosure


Old Projects
