Published Papers
- A Theory of Fair CEO Pay with Pierre Chaigneau and Alex Edmans
AER: Insights, Forthcoming
- Stochastic Impatience and the Separation of Time and Risk Preferences with David Dillenberger and Pietro Ortoleva
Theoretical Economics, Forthcoming
- How Should Performance Signals Affect Contracts? with Pierre Chaigneau and Alex Edmans
Review of Financial Studies, 2022
- Simple Contracts with Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard with Humberto Moreira
Theoretical Economics, 2022
- Lapse-Based Insurance with Kent Smetters
American Economic Review, 2021 [Lead article]
- Long-Term Contracting with Time-Inconsistent Agents
with Xingtan Zhang
Econometrica, 2021 [Supplementary Appendix] [Omitted Proofs]
- Time Lotteries and Stochastic Impatience with Patrick DeJarnette, David Dillenberger, and Pietro Ortoleva
Econometrica, 2020 [Supplementary Appendix]
- Moral Incentives in Credit Card Debt Repayment: Evidence from a Field Experiment with Leonardo Bursztyn, Stefano Fiorin, and Martin Kanz
Journal of Political Economy, 2019 [Data][Supplementary Appendix]
- The Generalized Informativeness Principle with Pierre Chaigneau and Alex Edmans
Games and Economic Behavior, 2019 [Supplementary Appendix]
- An Example of Non-Existence of Riley Equilibrium in Markets with Adverse Selection with Eduardo Azevedo
Games and Economic Behavior, 2019
- Narrow Framing and Long-Term Care Insurance: Evidence from the HRS with Olivia S. Mitchell
Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2019 [Robert C. Witt Award]
- Does Improved Information Improve Incentives? with Pierre Chaigneau and Alex Edmans
Journal of Financial Economics, 2018 [Supplementary Appendix]
- Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection with Eduardo Azevedo
Econometrica, 2017 [Appendix]
[Replication Code]
[Supplementary Material]
- Experimentation and Project Selection: Screening and Learning with Renato Gomes and Lucas Maestri
Games and Economic Behavior, 2016 [Supplementary Material]
- Imperfect Memory and Choice Under Risk
Games and Economic Behavior, 2014 [Supplementary Material]
- Risk-Neutral Firms Can Extract Unbounded Profits from Consumers with Prospect Theory Preferences with Eduardo Azevedo
Journal of Economic Theory, 2012
- Should Educational Policies Be Regressive? with Humberto Moreira
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2012
- Competition Over Time-Inconsistent Consumers
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2008
- A Model of Mixed Signals with Applications to Countersignaling with Aloisio Araujo and Humberto Moreira
RAND Journal of Economics, 2007
- Asymmetric Information in late 19th century Cooperative Insurance Societies
Explorations in Economic History, 2007
Working Papers
Other (non-refereed)